What is your favorite BJJ / martial arts saying?

I'm still not sure I understand the significance of this entire scene. Why is Daniel able to catch the fly when his master has been unable to for his lifetime?

It's just a silly aside to illustrate that it's better to be lucky than good.
Regarding training, & the shit that inevitably happens along the way:

"We ain't baking cupcakes here."

~ Frank Mir
But that's a terrible lesson.

Lol. I watched the scene again and there is also an air of Miyagi striving for something unattainable and bettering himself in the process.

He's genuinely annoyed when Daniel does it and attributes it to "beginner's luck." But youthful exuberance and naivete (aided by luck) can sometimes accomplish the unthinkable. Especially when they have a good mentor.
He's genuinely annoyed when Daniel does it and attributes it to "beginner's luck." But youthful exuberance and naivete (aided by luck) can sometimes accomplish the unthinkable. Especially when they have a good mentor.
And extra especially when they are the protagonist of the movie.
There’s a sign at the front of our door that says “Whining” with a cross through it.

Oh and one time a student asked my instructor if he used jiu-jitsu in a street fight. He said, “No, I just punch” in broken English.
There’s a sign at the front of our door that says “Whining” with a cross through it.

Oh and one time a student asked my instructor if he used jiu-jitsu in a street fight. He said, “No, I just punch” in broken English.
Don't know if he was kidding, but street jujitsu seems like it should be a purely one-on-one affair where there is no danger of others joining in. Taking it to the ground seems too risky in a multiple opponent fight.
Position before submission.
I used to here it alot not so much anymore
Also not grappling but loved GSP
I am not impressed by your performance

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