What is your pick for the worst moment in WWF/E history?


On how he regrets his WrestleMania 17 heel turn: “I’ve re-thought that thing so many times, and if I could call the audible now, I would have just told him, ‘Hey man, I ain’t feeling it,’ because here’s how I was feeling leading into that. I thought I was starting to flatline just a little bit, and I said, ‘OK man, a change is good,’ and Vince always likes to do something big at a WrestleMania, well we didn’t really have anything big there, so I was like, ‘Hey, I’ll turn heel, that’s what we do, you get hot, and then you turn heel, and then it’s even hotter.’ Most times, yes, but it has to be warranted and it has to be for a reason. And all of a sudden, when I did that that night, if I could go back, I woulda just said, ‘Hey man, I’m calling an audible,’ watch the stunner, and then stun his ass, woulda maintained my babyface run.”
@My Spot
Better luck next time and try not to get banned again!
Lol imagine assuming I'm an alt account because you got owned.

It's okay, not everyone can handle being fact checked. I didn't think facts was a problem with today's generation
Lol imagine assuming I'm an alt account because you got owned.

It's okay, not everyone can handle being fact checked. I didn't think facts was a problem with today's generation
How much do I owe for rent?
How much do I owe for rent?
You’re arguing with a troll account. Check his other posts, he just uses this account to bait people with stupid takes that he knows will piss people off. Lots of kids out of school for the summer, some of them more creative than others with their time.
You’re arguing with a troll account. Check his other posts, he just uses this account to bait people with stupid takes that he knows will piss people off. Lots of kids out of school for the summer, some of them more creative than others with their time.
So wait, let me get this straight

I state something factual about what a certain wrestler said about his shitty heel turn in 2001 and all of a sudden I'm a troll account?

Or me posting "hot takes" aka my opinion about wrestler's? It's funny how the internet works now, the younger generation, I tell you
That time they completely ruined a WWE title match between the two hottest stars in their promotion in the past 25 years in the main event of the biggest night in the history of the business by doing 42 hundred million completely not pre planned and totally unscripted run ins and surprise appearances from underneath the ring complete with entrance videos, music and pyro
It's official, schooling someone when they got their information wrong is considered trolling now.

I guess I'll post inaccurate information, by the way, nice one avoiding my questions @mjmj
Angle jobbing to Baron fucking Corbin in a throw away match.

I don't care that he lost his final match, and that it was short given his ailments...but Baron Corbin was the best they could come up with?
You’re arguing with a troll account. Check his other posts, he just uses this account to bait people with stupid takes that he knows will piss people off. Lots of kids out of school for the summer, some of them more creative than others with their time.

Has the Infidel Heathen Heretic Thrice Dammed Foot returned?
This guys takes are even worse than Foot.
So saying Austin's heel turn is the worst moment is a troll then? I haven't received a reply from anyone here or how about schooling someone when they got their information wrong?
So stating facts equates to "trolling"

Schooling someone by posting some evidence that a wrestler regretted their decision also equates to "trolling"

I fail to understand the younger crowd
You might be the most desperate troll in Sherdog history. Maybe come back with another alt when you come up with a more creative schtick, you won't get ignored so much.
Or better yet, go get a summer job and help your mom out. That basement ain't free.
You might be the most desperate troll in Sherdog history. Maybe come back with another alt when you come up with a more creative schtick, you won't get ignored so much.
Or better yet, go get a summer job and help your mom out. That basement ain't free.
I asked you two questions, 1 was "how does stating facts equates to trolling" when someone got their history wrong and 2 "how stating an opinion equates to trolling"

Instead I get a pointless response from someone and accused of being an alt account (which I'm not by the way, this is my first time using this website) and you keep mentioning my mom.

Thanks for proving my point, nice gimmick kid, if you have an argument, next time find a solid one, not baseless posts with zero merit, for a man who's supposedly in their 40s, you act like a teenager @mjmj