What was the one incident that broke up your group of friends?

We still tight af. Just busy and spread out like a hooker dat don't know she's about to be worm food.
One of my friends moved to another country. One got a girlfriend and stopped coming out altogether. Another became a flat earther. Another creeped out girls every time we went out.
At some point in time, we started to have different interests, priorities, and work schedule.
One of my friends moved to another country. One got a girlfriend and stopped coming out altogether. Another became a flat earther. Another creeped out girls every time we went out.
So you know Sherdoggers in real life?
my friend fucked my cousin

I made a thread about it somewheres
Vicodin. We started taking them and people got crazy addicted and all the friendships ended.
Me and my clique were partying it up one summer when like a bunch of idiots we hopped in the car and drunkenly hit some drifter. We made a pact to keep shut about it. Turns out someone wasn't so tight lipped because somebody knew what we did and broke apart our group one by one.
Drugs, some friends grew out of it, others kept doing the same shit thet where doing.
I had a group of friends but I was abandoned because of a house party and cause I was gay.

Basically one guy was working on his abs and dared people to punch him in the stomach. He was very confident that he could withstand any blow from the other guys. I was doing kickboxing classes at the time and I had a go and maybe I hit him too hard. Later during the party he didn't really talk to me much. I Also felt sick during party and puked up in the toilet and the sick went on the floor. There was no toilet paper so I used the hand towel and the guy throwing the house party spotted me as I was about to throw the towel into a ditch outside. He was pissed off at me for trying to throw his towel away. As far as I remember those two guys weren't happy with me after that house party. Unfortunately for me they were 2 of the 4 people that I was friendly within the whole group.

As far as I remember the other 2 guy I was friendly with got bored with me as time went on and they also figured out that I was gay. Once I wasn't as friendly with the other two guys anymore, then the two guys I had an incident each with kicked me out of the group.

Through out my whole 20s I only hung around with the group only a couple of times and none of them seemed interested in friendship at all.
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But I remember a few years before the house party; I started to drool over this girl everytime she was in the group with us. The constant drooling lowered my status on my estate and I went from kind of cool to a sad perve.
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I got a great group of friends. Same group for the last 30+ years. I saw three of them just over the past weekend.
We are all (almost all) married with wives and kids now and still hang out together all the time. We've been through lots of controversial shit, many fights between friends- but nothing that lasts.

Men get over it, women hold a grudge.
Russian Roulette. I won.