What would you do in this situation? Woman robbed in broad daylight

If you YouTube search Brazilian homeless man saves woman <mma1> Now that was heroic stuff.
The truth is, nobody really knows how they're going to react in a situation like that. The dude on the grass might say the exact same thing as you, but then once there's an actual gun involved as opposed to just talking about it, everything changes.

I do. I'm no action hero but I've been in enough split-second decisions to know how I react, including a situation far more extreme than this one.

I wouldn't escalate a situation where there's a gun and no reason to think someone's going to get hurt. If her life was in immanent danger, I still wouldn't throw myself in front of a gun, but there are still things you can do.

I don't think there was much this guy could do in that situation in that amount of time.
I would tell her to give her phone up. She risked getting shot and I sure as hell will not get shot over her phone. This is a lose lose for the guy sitting on the grass.

Even if I had a gun on me. I am going to take a life over a phone that isn’t mine? I am going to shoot him and she is going to cry on tv saying I went too far because she had insurance on the phone.
The entire confrontation is only about 10 seconds long. It's understandable to freeze for that amount of time when you look up and see a gun being brandished in front of you. Then you see the guy grab his phone and run off screen. That looks like he's calling the cops to me.

Lol at the dumbass Twitter post calling the guy a beta. It's called basic life preservation skills. You'd be an absolute idiot to involve yourself when a gun is involved. The poor decision maker in this video is the woman for fighting back. Give up your phone and run lady.

I agree it's way too quick to blame him. By the time he realizes what going on the altercation is basically over. Not to say that anyone would help her if this guy was actively beating the shit out of her but can't blame this guy in this case.
The law does not protect you if you try and help. You will get charged for whatever you do to stop the robber.

This is not legal:

Would agree with @Lucas1980 cant just do nothing. Its impossible to know it's a phone and may just see the woman getting attacked. You never know til you are there but I'm with you.
Maybe so...I just can't sit idly by and do nothing. I always conceal carry and practice on the regular and don't have kids. I'm not saying its the brightest thing to do but the fact that maggot knows no one will is why hes so bold.
AKA the idea of shooting someone gives you a boner
The law does not protect you if you try and help. You will get charged for whatever you do to stop the robber.

This is not legal:

In my state if you come at me swinging a knife I have every right to Stand My Ground and protect myself by what ever means necessary. But that was an awesome scene and that shooting was just a spur of the moment decision..and it was great.
Seems like the guy's brain just couldn't process the situation. If he had taken the conscious decision to not intervene, you'd expect him to get out of the line of fire. Instead he just sat there while his two remaining braincells were debating whether pineapple belongs on pizza or not.
Yep his OODA loop was stuck on "Observe"
I'm just messing with you but there are dudes who carry because they want the opportunity to cap someone
I misunderstood you man...Thats seriously the last thing I would ever want to do and have to live with.
In my state if you come at me swinging a knife I have every right to Stand My Ground and protect myself by what ever means necessary. But that was an awesome scene and that shooting was just a spur of the moment decision..and it was great.

I think Harrison Ford was supposed to fight the guy with his whip and all that but he had the shits that day, and they just had him shoot the guy.