Opinion What's your favorite conspiracy / crackpot theory?


Church of the Inner Tube
Platinum Member
Jan 18, 2012
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Personally, I am intrigued by the arguments and evidence supporting the theory of an ancient (antediluvian), advanced civilization on Earth.
Secondly, I'd have to admit that I am intrigued by Alien theories, evidence and many of the, otherwise, credible witness testimony of sightings, government cover-ups and unexplained images in ancient art. It seems like a pretty solid argument for the origination's of the Human concept of god, creator etc...

There are a ton out there:
Deep state
Military industrial complex
Skin walkers

Please get creative and be honest, fuck the ego's.
The Bielefeld Conspiracy.

Also, I went to school in Bielefeld so I know it's not true.
Or did I? maybe I am just part of it.
How is the military industrial complex a conspiracy theory?

Half of the US budget goes to the military and related industry.
I always enjoyed the CT that dinosaurs still exist in the jungles of Congo. It's the African version of Bigfoot. Plenty of videos on-line that are hilarious to watch.
How is the military industrial complex a conspiracy theory?

Half of the US budget goes to the military and related industry.

Maybe the black budget portion of the MIC
JFK is pretty much a fact at this point.
Culture creators are chosen and are carefully guiding us down a path that will destroy society as we know it.
Are the numerous theories about his assassination facts?

It's a fact that he was assassinated.

The Philadelphia Experiment is a fun one.

I don't know if it counts, but I've always thought the story of Frederich Valentich was really interesting (obviously not a real UFO abduction, though).
Birtherism : The claim that Obama was born in Kenya and not in the US. Something Trump championed which allowed him to achieve national political prominence on the right.
Sandy Hook
Geocentric vs Heliocentric
Flat Earth vs Globe Earth
Moon Landing
Challenger disaster
Birtherism : The claim that Obama was born in Kenya and not in the US. Something Trump championed which allowed him to achieve national political prominence on the right.
This was Obama's Harvard bio. They got this info from somewhere. Probably not Trump.
Personally, I am intrigued by the arguments and evidence supporting the theory of an ancient (antediluvian), advanced civilization on Earth.
Secondly, I'd have to admit that I am intrigued by Alien theories, evidence and many of the, otherwise, credible witness testimony of sightings, government cover-ups and unexplained images in ancient art. It seems like a pretty solid argument for the origination's of the Human concept of god, creator etc...

There are a ton out there:
Deep state
Military industrial complex
Skin walkers

Please get creative and be honest, fuck the ego's.

I think we should definitely have MIC in a class of proven and accepted Conspiracy. See Syria as evidence.

CFR, Tri-lateral, Bilderburg, also belong in their own category I think, in proven, but not generally accepted conspiracy.

Let's call these Tier 1 conspiracies.

I absolutely hate the fact, that if I think their is credible evidence to validate further investigation into 9-11 put option buys, that this means I believe in bigfoot and aliens.

I have aliens as my top of tier 2 conspiracies. A lot of compelling stuff out there on aliens. I don't think I have seen a smoking gun, and really just find the topic interesting, but give it way more credence than shape shifters, ancient civilizations, ghosts, bigfoot, ect.
I believe pedophile rings with connections to the highest level of politicians and media are a thing, so they can obstruct or avoid investigations.
That doesn't mean every theory about pedo rings is true, obviously, but I'm afraid it's not that uncommon.
new flat earthers
Those 3 AM shows about Roswell and Area 51 are usually pretty fun, especially if you're drunk.
The crazy Jewish conspiracy gets me laughing the most.

And Big Foot and Flat earth is up there as absurd.

Bildebrerg isn't a conspiracy though that is proven. corporate elites and the works do meet every year in private.
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