Whats your typical reaction to a wasp/bee in a close distance to you?

I messed with bees and bumblebees a lot as a kid, got stung a few times and barely felt it. Anyway as a result I have no fear of bees and bumblebees, they're chill bros who don't attack unless you're really aggressive towards them. You can literally pet them when they're on a flower BTW, they won't do anything. Yellowjackets are chill too, they just want to eat garbage, and they're not aggressive at all unless you're near their nest. Paper wasps and other colony wasps can be assholes if you're near their nest, they're also ugly and not bros. Solitary wasps are chill, but they're not my bros.

Anyway if I were a billionaire I would literally open a bumblebee and bee sanctuary paradise, filled with flowers where my bros could go about their business without being fucked over by pesticides, electromagnetic fields and the other shit that causes them problems.
scream like a little girl and run away! I hate those fuckers!
Meh doesnt really bother me. Wasps have only stung me a couple times and I've been stung by bees like 20 times, them fuckers seem to like me
On the list of insects and arachnids that bother me, bees don’t even chart. They do their own thing and generally don’t bother you if you don’t mess with them.

Wasps are way worse but I do my best to avoid them.

Moreover, I tend to base my dislike for insects and arachnids on the freakiness of the look and bees don’t look creepy. Same reason I have absolutely no issue with fire flies.

Spiders, centipedes, termites, Carpenter ants and the like though, that’s a different story.
I’ll happily ignore a bee, and they almost always show the same courtesy. A wasp comes near me then I’m going to use whatever is at hand to kill the fecker...

My point of view too. Not helped by the fact that several years ago my son,daughter ad I got out of my car to go shopping and a wasp just decided to land on my son's head and sting him. Poor little fucker hadn't done anything, never even saw it or knew about it until it stung him. Cunting thing. I swatted it to the floor then went full Pride stomps on it. Grabbed my screaming son and carried him to the pharmacy aisle and slathered him in cream and threw anti histamines in his throat. Poor bugger.

Wasps ? It's personal...
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I mind my own business.
Flail around like some nancy girl

I got stung by hornets as a kid with a buddy of mine and it hurt like fuck. We must’ve got 10 stings each.
I love bees.

I have a mini bee colony that lives in the ground in my backyard and they're really cool to look at. Bumble bees are my favorite.

Wasps are really cool to look at too especially these metallic blue ones (mud dauber).

I never swat at them.

Bees, I just ignore. Wasps, I actively try to get away from.
Anything that flies and stings can fuck off.
I cant just chill if theyre flying around me. Even bees
They don’t bother me. I had a wasp in my bedroom for like 3 days the other day I just let him chill
I've been stung more than once by bees, wasps and hornets. Shit burns like fire, but this last year I've been getting bit up by ticks. I mean dug in, I hate those freaking things.
I stick a flower in my urethra and hope it lands.