When does it become too much? Re: wmma fights on one card

I just noticed how many wmma fights are on this card, almost as many if not more than the men's fights

Are you okay with that? Or are there too many wmma fights on this card in your opinion?

For me it's a bit much. There should be max 3 imo per card, unless we start seeing the bar rise talent wise on average.
When will you fuckheads think "I am crying too much because of WMMA"?
Seriously, stop complaining because women are on the card.
You don't like it, don't fucking watch!

But spare us of your fucking tears every time there's a WMMA fight.
We don't care about your distaste for women.
Will be at a viewing party for this event. Every time the WMMA fights come on no one pays any attention. Sometimes the channels changed, people leave the room for a while. It just doesn't seem to be able to hold anyone's interest I know.
But what kind of people hang out with a guy that goes by the name "anuscakes"?
Stop crying. There's one WMMA fight on the main card and its a title fight.
Ok but no need to be so derrogative, this place is for discourse after all isn't it? I was just asking a question and giving my honest unharmful opinion. One would think a mod would be above that type of emotional lashing out, I guess I was wrong.Tell us how you really feel about wmma lol