Where is the Leprechaun hiding?

There's no warrant, that's just the great red goof in full tomato mode saying shit.

Anyone else, there would be an instant warrant. I don't see how he gets out of this one.
Not true. Crimes much worse happens in NY every minute than someone throwing shit at a bus. No one was seriously injured and the UFC won't let Chiesa press charges/he probably wouldn't anyway because It'd be a long drawn out legal process that would cost him money personally and be squashed before making it anywhere.

They're not going to issue a warrant without investigation (which they probably wouldn't even get around to without anyone pressing charges)

I'd wager no legal action will take place and Conor will be fined by the commission since it all took place at event grounds and hes a part of the UFC to begin with.

Everyones acting like the book is going to be thrown at Conor and every possible law he maybe broke he will be prosecuted for lmao...its kind of cute

This is going to cause McGregor serious problems. People think its been a long time since he fought in MMA, 500 days, might as well add another 500 to it because he isn't getting anywhere near the Octagon anytime soon.
He's down at the station taking shots and signing autographs for the Irish American police.
We'll he is about to lose a big chunk of that pot of gold with all the lawsuits he is about to get hit with, we'll find out soon enough.