Crime White Supremacist Rally V.3 Aftermath

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Just gonna re-post my thread here since there was absolutely no reason for it to be dumped:

Charlottesville vehicle rammer did absolutely nothing wrong

First and foremost, the "counter protest" was not peaceful. People were armed with weapons, people who sympathized with Anti-FA and BLM were there (by DEFINITION, domestic terrorist groups), and there's a now infamous image of some guy who jokingly threw up a Nazi salute in that area later getting hit in the face. That's not peaceful.

There are 3 videos of the event that have surfaced, but the most important one is this.

For starters, the car was going ~20MPH in a 25MPH zone. It traveled ~94 feet in 3 seconds BEFORE being hit by a bat/flagpole



It should be pretty obvious to everyone what happened if you don't arrive to conclusions using emotions and instead employ facts and reason. He was NOT speeding into the group, hit the brakes to AVOID hitting someone, and only accelerated once he was hit.

Brakes being hit:


He was clearly trying to accelerate through the crowd after he was attacked and surrounded by PROVEN domestic terrorists, evidenced moreso by this video:

Even AFTER hitting people, he only attempts to back up when people start hitting his car with bats.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to "make an example" of him, but he did not intentionally try to murder those people, despite the fact that they were domestic terrorists and there would've been nothing morally wrong with it.

Expecting someone to just sit there while domestic terrorists surround his car would be foolish.

Oh wow, I didn't think you were really a Nazi too.
Although I find them to be pathetic and hateful personally, they most certainly have a right to exist. They also have a right to demonstrate as they attempted to do so. They have the right to hate people if that's their view and express that opinion.

Now the fact that they are detestable does not give anyone the right to assault them. They had the right and permission to be where they were, the left did not. The minute a blm or antifa maced someone, or threw something at someone, or attacked them in anyway, they have every right to defend themselves. That's the right of every American and you don't check those rights at the door because you are protesting.

If the left didn't show up heavily armed to counter protest I'm convinced nobody would have been harmed. The left was the catalyst. They provoke. .. they assault. .. they blockade. ... and now they are playing the victim.

I hope it goes with out saying that I'm not including the murderous psycho who mowed people down. I'm talking about all the violent clashes prior to that event. The left used the same tactics at trump rallies. Force someone to defend themselves and the media will do their part by painting it as right wing violence.
I support society making it possible for workplaces being able to fire them from their jobs for the mere reason that they are racist pieces of shit even if they repress it at work. Meaning those guys can't post shit on their facebook's or other social media or publicly speak it in case someone sees or hears it.

They feel that way? Repress it and suck it up. It is not 1943 anymore and it is not ok in today's world.
I hope some of you guys that are on the left, can see why it's important to call out the all extremists left and right. These shit heels get to control the narrative in America way to much. we shouldn't be welcoming to any of the extremists who use violence to silence other people's points of view.

Social media allows extremists, more easily than ever, to spread the ideas.
a bloo bloo someone who was marching with Anti-FA and BLM terrorists hurt his leg

Who cares?

Has absolutely nothing to do with ideology

Has everything to do with you being a deflecting panic wrestling cowardly internet Nazi though.
And it kind of legitimizes them which is strange and stupid.

Yeah, also from a political standpoint the alt right or the moderate nationalist that don't really fit into the republican party anyway, but that want to get more influence in main US politics and actually achieve something. The last thing they should be doing is getting anywhere close to the KKK or Neo-Nazi's etc.
Because the last election has shown that your average moderate white guy/women are open to the more moderate version that Trump in parts represents. Those guys don't really like SJW, mass or illegal immigrations etc. So if given a good option they will vote for it. But those guys sure as hell wouldn't vote for anyone associated with Neo-Nazis or the KKK.
This unite the right has really damaged the moderate fraction of that movement.
I didnt feel like explaing myself because what you write is so mind numbingly retarded I make a judgement call that responding is not worth my time. You don't understand political movements, you don't understand history. You're talking about a single story. You're acting like someone is going to stand up and say "Hey Hitler was cool, vote for me!" That's not going to happen you idiot. What will happen is that the right could use jobs, nationalism, and fear to gain power. Then, if any market turmoil occurs they can leverage it into gaining more power and swinging farther to the right. They will use the radical left to their advantage. Just as we already see happening. The left is going too far. It's an EASY potential scenario. Yet all you see is that a couple retard Nazis won't directly gain power all of a sudden. Oh wow great call. So insightful.

I mean how can you be so god damn childish after the last 100 years? A series of far right and far left governments rose over and over again. You think we aren't of the same mold as our grand parents?

I am absolutely not of the same mold as my grandpa, I'm not a poor kid in Vietnam who has never had the internet.

Neo Nazi murders woman "THE LEFT HAS GONE TOO FAR" The United States has been becoming steady more liberal in the last two hundred years and it will keep doing so. The radical left isn't getting as much hate in this country you do realize that.

More often than not the numbers lie with the left, most right wingers are still old Republicans who vote GOP and watch Fox News. You have this sensationalist "WAKE THE DRAGON". No dude. The Alt-Right came out looking terrible because of this, a lot of Alt Right kids on /pol/ jumped ship saying "This is not what it was supposed to be about".

There is no dragon lol.
LOL your content was literally retarded. You got btfo with facts and sources that you couldnt counter. You couldn't provide any to back up your own claim, and then you went and cried something about North Korea. You're a complete clown and not worth the effort I've already put into you.

Facts to you are retarded. To other people they matter. Let's follow again, just to prove you have zero content.

(1) BLM is responsible for the deaths of (3) Officers in New York and (5) in Dallas.

- Officer Miosotis Familia (NYPD)
- Officer Wenjian Liu (NYPD)
- Officer Rafael Ramos (NYPD)
- Officer Lorne Ahrens (Dallas PD)
- Officer Michael Krol (Dallas PD)
- Officer Michael J. Smith (Dallas PD)
- Officer Brent Thompson (Dallas PD)
- Officer Patrick Zamarripa (Dallas PD)

Let's just share a little video to really understand who these people are and what they are about.

(2) ANTIFA has seriously injured more people and destroyed more property than the Neo-Nazis, White Supremacists, and KKK combined in the last two years.

Let's just share a few videos to understand the cowards that these people are and what they are about.

(3) Communism is a non-starter on what is worse. We need only look at what happens to people under Communism in North Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela. Not to mention the millions and millions murdered under Communism since it has come to be.

It is estimated that Communism has murdered between 70,000,000 and 110,000,000. Whatever the number, it is still growing today.

Those are facts. You cannot refute them and never have. Instead, you just call them "retarded". You have nothing.
Has everything to do with you being a deflecting panic wrestling cowardly internet Nazi though.

Drop the trolling act for 2 seconds and at least attempt to debunk what I wrote

He was provably not speeding and hit the brakes before hitting the crowd. He only accelerated after his car was hit. Let's start there.
Just gonna re-post my thread here since there was absolutely no reason for it to be dumped:

Charlottesville vehicle rammer did absolutely nothing wrong

First and foremost, the "counter protest" was not peaceful. People were armed with weapons, people who sympathized with Anti-FA and BLM were there (by DEFINITION, domestic terrorist groups), and there's a now infamous image of some guy who jokingly threw up a Nazi salute in that area later getting hit in the face. That's not peaceful.

There are 3 videos of the event that have surfaced, but the most important one is this.

For starters, the car was going ~20MPH in a 25MPH zone. It traveled ~94 feet in 3 seconds BEFORE being hit by a bat/flagpole



It should be pretty obvious to everyone what happened if you don't arrive to conclusions using emotions and instead employ facts and reason. He was NOT speeding into the group, hit the brakes to AVOID hitting someone, and only accelerated once he was hit.

Brakes being hit:


He was clearly trying to accelerate through the crowd after he was attacked and surrounded by PROVEN domestic terrorists, evidenced moreso by this video:

Even AFTER hitting people, he only attempts to back up when people start hitting his car with bats.

I wouldn't be surprised if they try to "make an example" of him, but he did not intentionally try to murder those people, despite the fact that they were domestic terrorists and there would've been nothing morally wrong with it.

Expecting someone to just sit there while domestic terrorists surround his car would be foolish.
Just when I think my dislike for Trump has hit bottom, the asshole gets a fucking shovel and starts digging.

White supremacist appeasing piece of shit.

That's because you are full of shit. He denounced white supremacist. But to blanket everyone there with that label would not be true, and would only cause further divide.

You are a simpleton, you are the problem. It's people like you that enable identity politics and cause division.

We as a country need to start listening to peoples problems be they on the right or left. If people keep sticking their fingers in the ears and not listen this country will get further divided.
He was surrounded by domestic terrorists. It was either he tries to get away or he gets the shit beaten out of him. Keep in mind people were already chasing him down the street and his khaki pants/white shirt attire would've made it obvious to them that he was in the demonstrations earlier.
Why even go down that street in the first place? He was looking for trouble and had the intent to maim others.
a bloo bloo someone who was marching with Anti-FA and BLM terrorists hurt his leg

Who cares?

Has absolutely nothing to do with ideology

What the fuck is a bloo bloo?

The crowd was peaceful.


Are you calling her a terrorist?
Drop the trolling act for 2 seconds and at least attempt to debunk what I wrote

He was provably not speeding and hit the brakes before hitting the crowd. He only accelerated after his car was hit. Let's start there.

He saw the crowd blocks away on an empty road and kept driving to it. No one touched his car till he was way on his way into the crowd.

None of those people were domestic terrorists. I can't even see one person with a mask.

They were students, teachers, and other locals.
He was surrounded by domestic terrorists. It was either he tries to get away or he gets the shit beaten out of him. Keep in mind people were already chasing him down the street and his khaki pants/white shirt attire would've made it obvious to them that he was in the demonstrations earlier.

I'll repost this for you,

I'm kinda burnt out on this subject from the other thread but I will treat this like you're serious for a moment.

The street is block and there were other roads he could have taken to get around the protesters. The video clearly starts when there is hardly anyone around him we can here the tires squeal. We see his car get hit by the guy at 3 seconds in .

It looks to me from the time he starts to the time he gets to the crowd he is speeding up. To me he doesn't appear to slow down even once he starts hitting people until he hits the other car.

He is stopped long enough to put it into reverse and speed of backwards down the way he came. He turns down a street and gets clear of the crowd.

To me that looks like he went looking for trouble and found it. He decided to ram his car into the crowd and someone died.

I find his actions to be that of a terrorist. I denounce him for these actions. I admit I'm not the judge or jury but it looks to me to be pretty clear what happens in the video.
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