Who are the best/most picked characters on Mortal Kombat X?

A few of the Best: jason, ermac, sektor. These should all be top 5 characters. if you are looking for what character to play just go with what character you think would be most fun or seems most interesting. I like jax as a character/his story the most so I started with him.

Also, definitely check out testyourmight.com to learn combos
it doesnt really matter who you pick at low and medium level
I seem to have better luck with Bo Ri Cho at my newbie level....
Still pissed at the lack of Baraka,Rain Noob and most of all Fujin who we haven't seen playable in a while
Kitana was awesome in MK9, just like back in the MK2 days.

From what I hear, they nuked her for MKX, just like they did for her in MK3U.

Very dissappointing.
Besides Scorpion and Subzero I roll with Raiden and Mileena and whatever else I like. Changes from each game to game.
I had a lot of success with ermac.

Havent played in a long time, though. I still remember all the complaints about paid fatalities, lol. W/hich is still one of the dumbest complaints I've ever heard in the history of gaming.