Who did you side with during the Helen of Troy debacle?


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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I assume everyone's familiar with the story that's over 3,000 years old.

Who did you side with when you first read the book or seen the movies?

Paris and the Trojans who took Helen


Achilles and the Greeks?

I haven’t read the Iliad but I’ve heard that the movie Troy (which I really like a lot by the way) is not even remotely close to being a faithful adaptation.

In the movie I mostly side with the Trojans because Legolas is just trying to get his dick wet and Helen is a fine piece of ass, while Hector’s just looking out for his dumb ass little brother and protect their kingdom. Meanwhile the Menelaus and Agamemnon are portrayed as a couple of fat old fucking pricks. Only Achilles seems somewhat honourable and even he does some line crossing a few times in the movie (having his men slaughter the priests in the temple of Apollo; defiling Hector’s corpse etc)

I’ve heard in the book that Paris is more rapey and just straight up kidnaps Helen so there’s nothing romantic or noble about him stealing another dude’s wife in the book and that essentially the Trojans get what’s coming to them.
A rare role for Sean Bean. A movie with war in it where he survives.


You know, I kind of wish they had followed up Troy with an Odyssey spin off for Sean Bean. But there’s a lot of magical fantasy elements in the Odyssey so it might not have worked in the more grounded movie universe of Troy.
You know, I kind of wish they had followed up Troy with an Odyssey spin off for Sean Bean. But there’s a lot of magical fantasy elements in the Odyssey so it might not have worked in the more grounded movie universe of Troy.
Just start the scene with Odie ingesting mushrooms during the Trojan war. He's just basically tripping inside his tent.
Definitely with the Trojans, defending their city and their families against murderous invaders. Hector is the only guy with a conscience in the story. They should have given up Paris, though, that guy was a little snake.
the trojans
greeks going to war over a chick is weak
plus like all their top dudes got fucked up over it

plus Hector was a G
only taken down by some chump that's roiding

also not surprised that the only solution they could come up with was jump into an animals backside, but I guess stick with what you know
I personally feel like both Homer and Herodotus were full of shit.

Here's a map of Greece


We are supposed to believe that the Persians could only access Sparta through a choke point that 300 soldiers could use to their advantage? There was NO OTHER way in?
Different geography, hard to judge.