Who has the oldest active account on here?

2000 - Ezboard


was only one section "MMA Fighting"

Mid 2001 - by now its on vbulletin


So unless they ported Ezboard logins across this is the oldest accounts

the original mod list..



Do administrator posters count?
Drunken Meat Fist's join date is 2001

i which case they may have ported user data from Ezboard
Shit Tyron Woodley was posting back then, 3rd thread down

2000 - Ezboard


was only one section "MMA Fighting"

Mid 2001 - by now its on vbulletin


So unless they ported Ezboard logins across this is the oldest accounts

the original mod list..


See? if you gotta prove your past,you gotta be a meticulous keeper of records like @dimspace
prob made my first account a year or 2 before this one. didn't get banned but didn't use it often and forgot the password and user name lol.

rarely do i see anyone older than 2003.
2007 some shit just dont change

Probably the Polish hammer, I still see him post from time to time. Sherdog has become real lenient in the past couple of years but from 05-08 You would get banned for sneezing too hard. You would have to be bland as fuck to survive imo. The funny guys always got the boot.
I'm impressed that you are only a green belt, you must have a life. There are a lot of users on here that have over 5k posts and have only been here for a few months.
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I've been here for a while. Not 2001/2002 old, but long enough :)
See? if you gotta prove your past,you gotta be a meticulous keeper of records like @dimspace

But see, I don't even remember dimspace. But hell, I get hit in the head alot.

Someone else has my original name now and has since like 2008 or something like that.

So there is likely a lot of people, just like me on here, we just don't know because the names are different.
I think there are only like five 01ers that aren't banned. DMF is one of them, Jopo another.

Or, some people are friends with some people and have account information edited for fun.