Who Here Has The Balls To Post A Pic of Their Girl?


and for real..
This has been posted before. (I add, I am 50, she's getting close)
Too scurred to post mine in here with all these beauts
All I see is a bunch of people too afraid to show their girlfriend's elbows. That's where the real test lies on Sherdog.
He, is not the one I'm referring to. I believe him. But another I don't believe because I've seen the pic online before.

If you're on mobile scroll down to the bottom and you'll see my girlfriends ass. Money509 must have hacked my phone.
I don't know if I should show you guys my lady. I want to, but then don't want you depraved souls to be fapping to my wife.
Me and the wife taken a few months ago. Me 41. Her 35

Somehow your username makes sense now.
Ha. I think she's still smoking hot man. Even after all these years. We both go to the gym regularly and eat pretty good. Refuse to become the typical married fatties that seems to be the norm.
Ha. I think she's still smoking hot man. Even after all these years. We both go to the gym regularly and eat pretty good. Refuse to become the typical married fatties that seems to be the norm.
She's beautiful for sure, Dude. Well done!
Ha. I think she's still smoking hot man. Even after all these years. We both go to the gym regularly and eat pretty good. Refuse to become the typical married fatties that seems to be the norm.

You're definitely a good looking couple, man. Both looking fit for sure, and happy.