Social Who Here Has The Guts To Post Their Pic?

Oh my yes! Sherdog is certainly not tasty on toast! Or is it?

MMMMmmmmmm dog on toast...
On a work & holiday trip. Currently in Bucharest Romania & then in a few days in Sofia Bulgaria.
Romania got eye candy for sure; seen quite a few dimes while out & about.

City is pretty cool looking actually, had a few drinks last couple nights in Old town & is good times.

Hotel gym attempting the 275.

I’ll be in Athens & Santorini Greece later & looking forward to that.
Birthplace of Plato/Neo platonism & Stoicism.

Greek Orthodox Blue tops &village dusk view.
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On a work & holiday trip. Currently in Bucharest Romania & then in a few days in Sofia Bulgaria.
Romania got eye candy for sure; seen quite a few dimes while out & about.

City is pretty cool looking actually, had a few drinks last couple nights in Old town & is good times.

Hotel gym attempting the 275.

I’ll be in Athens & Santorini Greece later & looking forward to that.
Birthplace of Plato/Neo platonism & Stoicism.
Greece is in my top 3 places in the world. So jealous of you, my friend! When at the Acropolis, it is hard not to imagine yourself back in time and it should fill you with amazement, if you are at all like myself.

Lucky devil.
It'd be interesting to see how users looked when they first created a sherdog account. I only met one person in real life who knew what sherdog was, didn't know if he created an account. Unfortunately he committed suicide a year or two ago.
It'd be interesting to see how users looked when they first created a sherdog account. I only met one person in real life who knew what sherdog was, didn't know if he created an account. Unfortunately he committed suicide a year or two ago.

This is a very uplifting post, makes me all warm inside sir.
It'd be interesting to see how users looked when they first created a sherdog account. I only met one person in real life who knew what sherdog was, didn't know if he created an account. Unfortunately he committed suicide a year or two ago.


This was young me at UFC 57. I think my account was barely a year old back then.
I had so much more hair back then!
RIP hair.