Who is the Michael Jordan of MMA?

Actually it is, Jordan plays a sport with more talent than hockey

You already said you don't even follow basketball lol, Jordan is widely considered the GOAT athlete and for good reason.

Do you realize how absurd this argument is?

Please provide some objective proof that basketball, in the 1990's, was a sport with more talent than hockey. What metric are you using?

Please provide some objective proof that Michael Jordan is considered the greatest of all time across all sports.

And what about all the other sports not popular in America but popular around the world?
Do you realize how absurd this argument is?

Please provide some objective proof that basketball, in the 1990's, was a sport with more talent than hockey. What metric are you using?

Please provide some objective proof that Michael Jordan is considered the greatest of all time across all sports.

And what about all the other sports not popular in America but popular around the world?
Most major sports networks rank him #1 GOAT athlete

He was SportsCentury's greatest athlete ever back in the late 90s, which was compiled from millions of votes

No one cares about obscure sports with no talent lol. It's really between soccer, basketball, and boxing for this debate
Chuck maybe?

Lol. Chuck? Again, you haven't defined what the Michael Jordan is. If you mean by Michael Jordan you mean the greatest or most dominant, you are ignorant of both MMA and sports generally.

So who considers Chuck Liddell the GOAT in MMA? And if we are using your ridiculous argument of talent, UFC/MMA was a fringe sport in its origins when Chuck was champion. He wasn't facing top talent. He wasn't facing the type of athletes and competition in UFC today.

This is an ignorant thread.
Travis Lutter is the Michael Jordan of MMA BJJ
Most major sports networks rank him #1 GOAT athlete

He was SportsCentury's greatest athlete ever back in the late 90s, which was compiled from millions of votes

No one cares about obscure sports with no talent lol. It's really between soccer, basketball, and boxing for this debate

So SportsCentury is an objective metric? That is laughable.

Again, why does hockey involve no talent? Does tennis involve no talent? So the only sports in your little mind that require talent are basketball, soccer and boxing?

Boxing? Seriously? Boxing is even more of a fringe sport than MMA. Fewer athletes compete in boxing than any other sport. The level of competition is weaker than this thread.
So SportsCentury is an objective metric? That is laughable.

Again, why does hockey involve no talent? Does tennis involve no talent? So the only sports in your little mind that require talent are basketball, soccer and boxing?

Boxing? Seriously? Boxing is even more of a fringe sport than MMA. Fewer athletes compete in boxing than any other sport. The level of competition is weaker than this thread.

Up until 20-25 yrs ago, boxing was the most popular sport in the world. Ali's big fights were watched by half the world's population lmao

No point even arguing with someone with as little general knowledge as you

Up until 20-25 yrs ago, boxing was the most popular sport in the world. Ali's big fights were watched by half the world's population lmao

No point even arguing with someone with as little general knowledge as you

Again - irrelevant and untrue.

20-25 years ago? So your argument is that 1995 - 2000 boxing was the most popular sport in the world? LOL. Aside from Tyson, Holyfield and Lewis and maybe Foreman nobody could name more than one champion, like now.

The number of spectators has no impact on the level of talent (your definition, not mine). It doesn't matter how many people watched an Ali fight. They are spectators, not participants. One fighter's fight does not make boxing more popular. Boxing has always been a sport with relatively few participant athletes.
Again - irrelevant and untrue.

20-25 years ago? So your argument is that 1995 - 2000 boxing was the most popular sport in the world? LOL. Aside from Tyson, Holyfield and Lewis and maybe Foreman nobody could name more than one champion, like now.

The number of spectators has no impact on the level of talent (your definition, not mine). It doesn't matter how many people watched an Ali fight. They are spectators, not participants. One fighter's fight does not make boxing more popular. Boxing has always been a sport with relatively few participant athletes.
Anyone with a brain could name more than 4 boxers lol

Not everyone is as uneducated as you <Lmaoo>
Ali's big fights were watched by half the world's population

Half the world did not have access to televisions and closed circuits in the 1960's and 1970's. I think you are confusing the world with the United States, and you would still be incorrect.
Anyone with a brain could name more than 4 boxers lol

Not everyone is as uneducated as you <Lmaoo>

This is coming from a guy who can't define talent, believes the only sports that require talent are basketball, soccer and boxing, and thinks Chuck Liddell is the GOAT.

This is coming from a guy who can't define talent, believes the only sports that require talent are basketball, soccer and boxing, and thinks Chuck Liddell is the GOAT.

Never said any of those things but since you've already been owned by facts, of course you will desperately cling for dear life :D
You might want to check the source on Wikipedia. 2 billion people did not watch the fight.

Further, you still haven't shown that spectators impact the talent level of a sport.

Says the guy who thinks hockey has more participants that soccer lmfaaooo
Says the guy who thinks hockey has more participants that soccer lmfaaooo

You literally cannot read. Show me one post where I said hockey has more participants than soccer.

I'm patiently waiting...


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