Who would you consider the most fearless fighter?

Khabib the way he handled the McGregor Show was a masterpiece.
Having a healthy doze of fear makes goats.
Francis has signed up and fought some tough guys in his short career.

Gaethje fights like he has little to no respect for his opponent’s skill set, regardless who they are.

I’ll say those two, for different reasons.
Minowa, Sakuraba, Shoji... But today, probably Gaethje
BJ Penn,

Every other answer should be a ban.

The guy literally always took fights where he was disadvantaged.

He'd fight Jon Jones tomorrow if the UFC let him.
Jon Jones - knows USADA will knock on the door at any time and still uses steroids.
Yuki Nakai on Vale Tudo Japan is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about "Fearless Fighter"
Wanderlei Silva is absolutely fearless. People could say he looked afraid of Crocop, but I disagree. I believe he knew deep down he was going to lose, but he sure as hell TRIED.
Think about this one for a second. All these guys fight for a living so it isn't like they don't have some guts.
I think I would say AS. He hopped up in weight numerous times. He took a fight after just coming out of surgery on one days notice to fight the guy that is the heavyweight champion of the world. As an old slowed down man he wanted to fight a young guy that was 15-0 with 13 Ko/Tko's. For comparison, GSP was self admittedly scared every fight. Bones refused to go up or take a fight on a few days notice. Fedor never made eye contact to save himself from wasting nervous energy. (he is a tough one to call, but I think he has a bit of the same sensation GSP has). There are guys that will fight anyone, but is that bravado, or a need to get paid, or maybe even an image they try to portray?
Hendo for fighting anyone including notable fight vs Fedor, Wanderlei, A Silva, Rampage, Shogun. Guess it helps boost confidence with an iron jaw and access to a Hbomb.
Yuki Nakai on Vale Tudo Japan is the first thing that comes to my mind when I think about "Fearless Fighter"
You lost an eye fighting a douchebag, what now? I guess I'll fight another guy and then Rickson.
Kind of a tough question. Because you can say somebody is fearless based on who they fight? Also you can say somebody is fearless based on how they react in a very difficult fight?
“Fearless” and “careless with there careers” may be somewhat synonymous. It’s just smart business to be selective about your opponents and when and where you fight. Fans seem to hate it, but it’s better for the fighters, IMO.