Why am I so Weak



A pigeon hunting manlet's journey to become strong.
Lifting has replaced boxing as my passion recently. I've lifted weights to supplement my boxing but now I'm focused almost entirely on lifting. It's been 4 months since I've focused on a powerlifting style routine, and I know that it's not a lot of time, but I am disappointed in how weak I am and how slow my progress is.
I figure a log would help me and maybe I can get some suggests on my program.

I'm 5'5 and around 71kg. When I started 4 months ago, my 1 rep maxes were:
Squat 100kg
Bench 95kg
Deadlift 135kg
Overhead Press 65kg

Current lifts are:
Squat 120kg (264lbs)
Bench 110kg (242lbs)
Deadlift 145kg (319lbs)
Overhead Press 70kg (154lbs)

My Goal is to hit at least 140kg on the Squat, 120 on the Bench, 160 on the Deadlift, and 85kg on the Press by the end of this year. I feel I would accomplish or even surpass my goals for the Squat and Bench but my Deadlift and press is progressing a lot slower.

I made up my own program where I'm back squatting, Benching, and Pressing twice, along with front squatting and Deadlifting once a week. So I'm working out four times. Then the next week I'm doing a heavier sessions 3 times in the week. Then, switch back to 4 times, and so forth. Also doing some assistance exercises after my main lifts. I hope this is effective, but I also did what I think would be fun for me.

Day 1 of the Pigeon program
85kg 5
90kg 5
95kg AMRAP (did 6)
90kg 5
85kg 5
75kg 5
80kg 5
90kg AMRAP (did 5)
80kg 5
75kg 5
Pause Squat
85kg 3x6
Pendlay Row
70kg 5x5
Dumbbell Press
23kg 3x12
Pull Up (3 sets to failure)
16 10 8
40kg 3x10
Dragon Flags
12 reps
Hanging Raises
Box Jumps - 10

Thoughts: I think I go too fast on my way down on the squat. I need to be more mindful and be more controlled. Also screwed up on the first set of pause squats because I forgot to pause.. Not sure if I can count that first set. I wish my gym had higher boxes than the 30 inch one they have. To make it more challenging I had did while holding on to a 10kg kettlebell.
Day 2

50kg 5
55kg 5
60kg 5
55kg 5
50kg 5

Front Squat
70kg 5
75kg 5
80kg 5

Sumo Deadlift
85kg 5
95kg 5
105kg 5

Good Morning
50kg 3x8

Chin Up (5 sets to failure)
15 10 10 6 6


Dumbbell OHP
17kg 3x8

Dragon Flag

Hanging Raises

Rested for 2 days due to the gym being closed for a national holiday.
Day 3
75kg 5
80kg 8
85kg 8
80kg 5
75kg 5

70kg 5
75kg 5
80kg 9
75kg 5
70kg 5

Leg Curl
50kg 3x10

Chest Fly
52kg 3x10

Incline Bench
70kg 3x5

Chin Up (3 sets to failure)
16 10 10

40kg 3x10

Dragon Flags

Notes : This day was supposed to be a deadlift day but I pulled something on my 2nd set of deads. It wasn't a very heavy weight for me (110kg) and I felt find until the last rep. I thought my form was good and I braced properly but I guess it's just one of those days. So I switched to my squat routine, which didn't give me any pain. The sudden injury threw me off so I accidentally did 8 reps on my 2nd set because I wasn't paying attention. The injury made it hard for me to do lift my legs, so I did dragon flags with my legs folded.
Day 4

100kg 5
110kg 5
120kg 6
110kg 5
100kg 5

45kg 5
50kg 5
55kg 8
50kg 5
45kg 5

Pause Deadlift
100kg 3x5

Straight Pulldown
65kg 1x8

Pull up (5 sets to failure)
15 10 8 7 7


Lateral Raise
17kg 3x8

Dragon Flag

Tried to do deadlifts again. Very carefully. I could've done more reps on the Amrap set but I decided to take it easy due to my injury. Could only only one set of pull downs because of the pain. Ironically, it didn't hurt when I was deadlifting though. I used the smaller 10kg plates for pause deads so they were actually pulled from a deficit. Me being short, I feel like doing pauses at normal height isn't really helpful due to my short ROM, so I should pull from a deficit. My gym doesn't have any sort of platform to stand on so I use plates with smaller diameters for this movement.
I had a heavy squat and Bench day on Monday.
85kg 5
95kg 5
105kg 4
95kg 5
85kg 5

80kg 5
90kg 5
95kg 3
90kg 5
80kg 5

Pause Squat
90kg 3x3

Pendlay Row
70kg 5x5

Dumbbell Press
25kg 3x8

Today (Wednesday) was a deadlift and overhead press day
55kg 5
60kg 3
65kg 3
60kg 3
55kg 6

110kg 5
120kg 3
130kg 5
120kg 3
110kg 5

Pause Deadlift
100kg 5x3

Rack Pulls
100kg 3x5

Chin Up
15 11 10 10 7


Dumbbell OHP
17kg 3x8

Lateral Raise
17kg 3x6
Squat - A lighter day with more volume. The AMRAP set of 85kg was grueling but I was happy I got it.
75kg 8
80kg 6
85kg 10
80kg 6
75kg 8

70kg 8
75kg 6
80kg 8
75kg 6
70kg 8

Front Squat - Felt way easier than before. I could add more weight to it next time for sure.
75kg 3x6

Wide Bench - I always benched with a closer grip without a pronounced arch. I wasn't in my program but I wanted to try a "powerlifting style" bench with a wider grip, back arch, and a longer pause at my chest, so I just wanted to try it. I want to compete someday so I need to practice this more.
60kg 1x5
70kg 2x5

Incline Bench
70kg 3x5

Pull Up - wasn't able to do as many as a couple weeks ago. Maybe a sign I'm not recovered?
12 8 7 7 6

Leg Curl
50kg 3x10

Straight Pulldown
65kg 3x8

40kg 3x12

Hanging Raises

EZ Bar Curls - because why not
25kg 3x8
I forgot to post my training for the past couple weeks. This is for today.

105kg 5
115kg 5
125kg 7
115kg 5
105kg 8

Pause Deadlift
100kg 3x5

Rack Pulls
100kg 3x5

75kg 5
80kg 5
85kg 7
80kg 5
75kg 8

Incline Bench
70kg 3x6

Chin Up
15 10 8

Straight Pulldown
65kg 3x9

45kg 3x9

Dragon Flag

Note: I've made up my mind that I will enter a powerlifting meet after I come back from my trip from the US. An IPF sponsored meet is held locally every January so I will train for that starting in October. I will have to be more specific with my training and get of some of my assistance stuff.

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