why are MMA fans so sensitive towards perceived slights from the mainstream?

My guess, or my take, on this is this. If a few prominent MMA personalities can get a little banter going back n forth between them and Meryl Streep then maybe itl get MMA out there some. But more likely the TS is right and its pretty ridiculous.
What I found to be most annoying is that ther are A LOT of foreigners in MMA. WTF was she even trying to say?
Damn I feel for you guys. When I graduated High School (2002) I met this girl who would later become my girlfriend. In about 2004 her older brother says to me "hey check this out..." and shows me a crate full of PRIDE vhs tapes. I still to this day have no clue how he got them but Im definitely grateful. No tape trading or crate diving for me.
there was very little on youtube as well. There were these websites like subfighter or some shit that would sometimes put a random fight on there.Also Pride DVDs were released a year after they were on ppv in america,so i would order them all and record them on vhs. If i didnt do that i didnt see them for a year. Fuck that. The UFC ones,after TUF hit,came out pretty quickly,so i would be able to occupuy my time buying those,and all the other ones i didnt have.I got fightpass now so i dont buy them anymore.
It's these fucking Hollywood liberal shits, the kind that now own UFC as well. I want them forcibly removed from my country.
What purpose does this discussion serve?

MMA is in mainstream media, we really enjoy MMA, we come here to talk about it... Whats hard to figure out?
mma and their fans is that punk that doesnt respect people who are like 3.5 times their elder.
Idk, who gives a fuck? Not everyone is going to like MMA and that's ok. Meryl Streep has probably never even watched MMA so her opinion is irrelevant anyway.
Thank you. I mean...i was shocked at some of the posts on here...we turned into total bitches..and Meryl Streep is so incredibly irrelevant to MMA that its insane.

Why do we need her blessing when we just had a huge fight in NY?

Its embarrassing.
Sorry not going to let her take a free shot at our sport. I think what pisses me off the most is her holier-than-thou attitude when she implied that without Hollywood, we'd just be a bunch of scumbags watching low-brow MMA and NFL. Nope, not gonna give that a pass.
Because we just need some flimsy excuse to hate.
Thank you. I mean...i was shocked at some of the posts on here...we turned into total bitches..and Meryl Streep is so incredibly irrelevant to MMA that its insane.

Why do we need her blessing when we just had a huge fight in NY?

Its embarrassing.

Bunch of snow flake SJW's (sherdog justice warriors)
Its very easy to see because if you go to the front page, there would be atleast 4-5 threads claiming belts are useless, UFC is circus now, WME fucking things up. The people who know the truth(or perceived truth) about UFC and have much of their emotions invested in UFC are the ones who are insecure.
Well TS it's good to know that I can talk down to and insult you and you'll let it go.
Easily the most insecure fans and part "owner" of any sport organization going. I would venture many became fans because of their personal insecurity. You see thread topics in sherdog you would never see on any other sports message board
Because MMA is the only "real" human competition that matters. Two men, one on one. There will be a winner. There will be a loser. This is in our core fucking DNA. They used to do this shit to the death back in the day, in front of thousands on a stage that humbles even Madison Square Garden.


Winners were seen as Gods among men, losers were admired for their bravery to enter combat.

Fighting is art and it captures something none of these other ball sports can.
take Meryl Streep's comments for example, she also "dissed" the NFL I suppose but are NFL fans reacting and sending her invites to the Superbowl? I don't think so

MMA fans acting like a bunch of Rondas, overreacting to things.

Exactly. The number of people just in this thread saying things like "I can't let this pass", its hilarious. You can't let this pass? Its not that the rest of us are "letting it pass", its that we genuinely don't care.

Not to mention the massive effort taken to be offended by her words in the first place. Its not like she called us all filthy bloody thirsty animals for fawning over human cock fighting. Oh no she doesn't think MMA is an art? Best strip to my tighty whities and scream on the ground until someone coddles me.