Why Are Sloppy Brawls Loved So Much In Combat Sports?

Lmao, if that fight does nothing for you, maybe MMA isn’t for you?

checkout Muay Thai
Seriously. That fight had everything, and didn't come across as sloppy to me. It was more like two guys that had an elite skillset that actively cancelled out the other's throughout 24.5 minutes. That was easily one of the best fights I've ever seen.
my point is sloppy brawls appeal to low IQ degenerates

it's the similar to fans in the Roman Coliseum cheering while watching Christians being eaten by lions. it appeals to some dark sector our lizard brains
If you're Christian.
think about historical sloppy brawls that are praised by media pundits & fans alike as some of the best fights of all time: Gatti vs Ward, Corrales vs Castillo...hell, even Hagler vs Hearns. I never got the appeal of these types of fights. Like, in a sense, I get it: people wanna see blood and action and drama. I imagine it's a similar feeling fans got in the Roman coliseum watching gladiators fight to the death.

in MMA we have Diego Sanchez vs Clay Guida, Forrest Griffin vs Stephen Bonnar (which was credited as putting UFC on the map in the mainstream) and now more recently: Jiri vs Glover, a fight I hated because it made both guys look sloppy & unskilled, but Just Bleed meatheads love it and put these kinds of brawls on a pedestal and it's really a joke to me...

I'd much rather see a technical, surgical destruction rather than two gassed guys throwing haymakers <Neil01> but that's just me

Tell me one fight, in the history of MMA OR BOXING, where both fighters were able to show surgical precision, and became known as an all time fan favorite.

Tell me one.
think about historical sloppy brawls that are praised by media pundits & fans alike as some of the best fights of all time: Gatti vs Ward, Corrales vs Castillo...hell, even Hagler vs Hearns. I never got the appeal of these types of fights. Like, in a sense, I get it: people wanna see blood and action and drama. I imagine it's a similar feeling fans got in the Roman coliseum watching gladiators fight to the death.

in MMA we have Diego Sanchez vs Clay Guida, Forrest Griffin vs Stephen Bonnar (which was credited as putting UFC on the map in the mainstream) and now more recently: Jiri vs Glover, a fight I hated because it made both guys look sloppy & unskilled, but Just Bleed meatheads love it and put these kinds of brawls on a pedestal and it's really a joke to me...

I'd much rather see a technical, surgical destruction rather than two gassed guys throwing haymakers <Neil01> but that's just me

Also, tell us some of your all time favorites
We're not Neanderthals. They were a different species. We commit genocide, kill animals for fun, rape children (still legal in most US states). We are still Homo sapiens. The most violent species on the planet, and possibly the only one capable of hating.

Don't say "we" or "people" when you talk about you. I'm not singling you out here. It's a common deflection. I do it too, though I catch myself sometimes. It's a cowardly thing "one" often does, but shouldn't do.
Dude log off of sherdog and go outside lol
People like seeing as much action as possible.

Most viewers also love a Football / Basketball / Soccer game with bad defense that results in lots of scores.
Man, your comparisons are WAY off. Was Gatti Vs Ward a sloppy brawl? Yes it absolutely was, like the Griffin Vs Bonnar of boxing.

But Chico Vs Castillo was nowhere near that, it was 2 highly skilled attacking fighters with polished offense and technique going at it for many rounds, with a great surprise KO. Same deal with Hagler Vs Hearns. It was wild, but it was between two very skilled fighters with excellent offense, operating at a much higher level than some of the other scrubfests you mentioned.

Don't get me wrong, I agree with you about sloppy brawls being overrated, and that's why I think Griffin Vs Bonnar for example is incredibly overrated. It's just your comparisons are terrible, you're listing fights that are not sloppy brawls at all, two of the 3 boxing matches you mentioned are skilled and technical firefights.

Have you seen Morales Vs Barrera? It's probably the best fight ever and that's the same deal, an epic 12 round fast paced war but with skill and technique.
Gatti vs. Ward was a slugfest, it wasn’t a sloppy brawl. Gatti averaged almost 40 jabs a round in their first fight. Sloppy brawlers don’t land 40 jabs an entire fight,
None of the boxing matches you listed were sloppy brawls. You have no clue what you’re talking about, and should never, ever post here again until you have something worthwhile to say.

You wanted to insinuate you were a discerning fan of the sport. You proved the opposite.

Thank you im sitting here scrolling down wondering why the fuck it took so long for someone to call ts out on calling those boxing matches sloppy brawls.
fuck is this guy on?
think about historical sloppy brawls that are praised by media pundits & fans alike as some of the best fights of all time: Gatti vs Ward, Corrales vs Castillo...hell, even Hagler vs Hearns. I never got the appeal of these types of fights. Like, in a sense, I get it: people wanna see blood and action and drama. I imagine it's a similar feeling fans got in the Roman coliseum watching gladiators fight to the death.

in MMA we have Diego Sanchez vs Clay Guida, Forrest Griffin vs Stephen Bonnar (which was credited as putting UFC on the map in the mainstream) and now more recently: Jiri vs Glover, a fight I hated because it made both guys look sloppy & unskilled, but Just Bleed meatheads love it and put these kinds of brawls on a pedestal and it's really a joke to me...

I'd much rather see a technical, surgical destruction rather than two gassed guys throwing haymakers <Neil01> but that's just me

The reason it got sloppy is because both fighters were exhausted. That means they were giving their all from the get go. And how can you deny their efforts and determination. The pace they were going from first round on would get any technical fighter sloppy. That's why Jiri movements later on was more predictable because he got tired. His unpredictability which is his strength became non existent in the later rounds. It's not because they aren't technical per se. It's because the pace was unreal. The sloppiness is bound to happen with exhaustion.
People want to see fights not boring sparring matches
IDK man. On the other hand, that chess match of Rose/Esparza 2 was so mentally stimulating. In addition, Holly Holm is my favorite fighter.
They are considered something called "fun" and we watch entertainment like MMA because we want to feel this "fun" thing.
Because they're exciting at the end of the day. People want to see a back and forth war.
Because a sloppy brawl is always a "can end in any moment" type of fight.
And usually ends in a crazy, unpredictable way.

When some guy is just dominanting is nice and all, but it lacks the same kind of excitment.