Why does sherdog dislike Dr.Rhonda Patrick?

no fat chicks

Worlds greatest poster
Oct 14, 2009
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Every single time i have listened to her she seems very well read and thorough in her speech. Yet everytime I see her brought up here, people accuse her of pseudoscience!? I think this ones similar to the Neil Degrass Tyson hate.
I'm a big fan. A lot of my supplementation has been informed by her appearances on JRE as well as from her own FountMyFitness podcast. I also started time-restricted eating and overall calorie restriction after hearing her take on the topic. Even if there's some placebo shit going on, it's working for me and I feel the healthiest I've ever felt and at a weight I hadn't been at since my early 20s. Not saying it's due to just following her recommendations, but it sure as shit ain't hurting.
She just spouts off about preliminary findings as if they’re relevant.

Alot of men are insecure about women smarter and more accomplished than they are.
I'm a fan of her podcasts and I'm pretty damn critical when it comes to accepting scientific and medical advice.

You can't judge her from her JRE appearances alone because she's firing such a massive amount of information in a small window it's bound to be oversimplified.
I don't mind her, I have followed a few of her suggestions, didn't notice any difference. Saunas are the shit tho.
I don't think anyone who isn't at least confident and competent in their field would go on a long form interview with an experienced host like Rogan especially technical ones such as nutrition and health. Has she said stuff on the show that is hogwash or just factually incorrect?
I've never heard her name mentioned here. Not once.
Out of all of the Ronda's that have been on Rogan, she is my favourite.
That was the first thing that i thought feral boy from mad max, she is ugly and stuck up so she has delusions of grandeur thanks to the desperate males who consantly call her hot on instagram. and shills so many products on her instagram, she endorses products in paid posts she is like dr oz.