Why is Average IQ So Much Higher in Blue States Than Red?

Diversity and ability to work with different types of people to achieve great things. I would not call it red and blue due to the fact most states are won due to key strategic wins in certain cities not the entire state thus it's most of the time much closer than you think come election time.
Diversity and ability to work with different types of people to achieve great things. I would not call it red and blue due to the fact most states are won due to key strategic wins in certain cities not the entire state thus it's most of the time much closer than you think come election time.

Easy man. It's like all they have left. Don't tell them this is a lie
Easy man. It's like all they have left. Don't tell them this is a lie
Why did you immediately turn a reasonable, even toned post calling for cooperation into "us vs. them"?
Why did you immediately turn a reasonable, even toned post calling for cooperation into "us vs. them"?

So I'm the one that turned it into 'us vs them'?

Lol. Sounds about right. Blame anyone not on your side. Did you read the thread title? Are you familiar with any studies on IQ tests?

Why would anyone even care about or take an IQ test unless some hand holding liberal told them to?

Who would said hand holding lib want in their test?
Where's the source on the intelligence scores? I would like to know what the method was and what tests were used.

What's the point? If you're a Trump supporter and a Republican you're too much of a retard to differentiate good from bad methodology
Many, many, many (the majority) of early scientists and mathematicians were strongly Christian. Newton, for example. Descartes, .

Descartes' contemporaries accused him of being a deist and even an atheist since he attempted to defend Catholicism on rationalist grounds.

I don't think it can be disputed that religion has historically been a major hindrance to the development of science and freedom of thought.
Diversity and ability to work with different types of people to achieve great things. I would not call it red and blue due to the fact most states are won due to key strategic wins in certain cities not the entire state thus it's most of the time much closer than you think come election time.

Blue states are full of white people.
Red states are were all the diversity is.
What a wonderfully ironic and naive statement. Left to their own devices, Christians would still be burning witches and rejecting science (not that they don't still do that now) just as they do in third world countries.

Western Christians owe their "evolution" to secular liberals. We are the ones who beat you over the head with science until you finally "reinterpret" your infallible holy book and join us in modern reality. We are the ones that have taught, and continue to teach you tolerance (because apparently your Christ didn't).

Unfortunately you are completely blind to history, so you think the only solution to barbaric and intolerant Muslims is war. You are incorrect. The only solution is the same one that was used on Christians over the last couple hundred years. Education, and when that doesn't work—shame.
You're simply wrong. Sure, the Church was resistant to some changes and to some advances in science, but overall the Catholic Church was a huge part of the scientific advancement of western society. Why don't you read about a guy named Charlemagne? He is the one who really started the ball rolling in encouraging people to learn to read and encouraged the growth of science and art. Very many priests were scientists themselves.

Your post is indicative of an ignorance of history and/or a blind, uneducated hatred of religion.
Descartes' contemporaries accused him of being a deist and even an atheist since he attempted to defend Catholicism on rationalist grounds.

I don't think it can be disputed that religion has historically been a major hindrance to the development of science and freedom of thought.
I don't think it can be disputed that historically the push towards the advancement of education and science could have happened in feudal Western society of the Church had not encouraged and put its resources toward it.

I'm talking about prior to the Renaissance and enlightenment
Who takes an IQ test and why? It means very little and is very biased.
Voluntarily taking an IQ test should automatically drop your score 50 points.

Would love to see the raw data and the actual test used.
I think ego stroking has to be the biggest reason.
My class valedictorian (ouch on your spelling. You're insulting other people's intelligence?) scored a 21. I scored a 33. <{boneytears}><{boneytears}><{boneytears}>
It is my phone spell chec
Blue states are full of white people.
Red states are were all the diversity is.

California and New York are less white than a deep south state like Arkansas. The bulk of the blue population is just in those two states. The really small state states up in the northeast and minnesota are very white but don't have large populations.
I think ego stroking has to be the biggest reason.

Lol. If the ego fits, chances are it's from the ctrl-left and can barely fit in the same room as you.

They know what's best for you because they have more money.

They're not racist/homophobic/xenophobic misogynistic, but everyone below them needs to be hand-held all the way to making the same decisions as them.
What's the point? If you're a Trump supporter and a Republican you're too much of a retard to differentiate good from bad methodology

There it is.

"We totally have facts and stuff, but you wouldn't get it".

You know best. Please tell us all what to think and do. Or do you have to wait for someone else to tell you?
No way in he'll Utah has the second-lowest mean iq.
honestly maybe the tests need to changed or maybe how they are given. to be honest if i was someone who built a test to see how smart people were and I found that a whole sub sect of people from, a certain region seemed to do worse. I would assume some bias in my test or examine how the tests were given. then after that if I found that both if those held up, maybe i'd look into what was special about this region.

With that said, I think IQ tests are very good tests but I feel they can lack in measuring different forms of intelligence.

On a side note I do have a theory that people who have to deal with other people more often tend to seem smarter, I think its because people can be unpredictable so they are constantly sharpening their problem solving skills. When you live somewhere more rurally you tend too have more control of your life. and less day to day problems happen.