Why is Hale Berry at the UFC face off and why does anyone care

Usually you'd think it's a promo stunt, but at this point this does more for Berry than for the UFC. Not a single person will watch today based on Halle Berry making a short appearance at the weigh-ins. So I wonder if she pays the UFC or the other way around.

I'd bet money some people who don't watch MMA will now check it out. There were places that normally don't cover MMA that reported on her being there. A fan of Halle who's never watched MMA interests could easily be peaked and they go watch the PPV somewhere. Why would she pay the UFC? People will maybe go see her MMA movie after this, but the UFC's also involved in the movie so they both benefit from spreading the word. OP's a perfect example of an MMA fan who's totally outraged by a non-fighter being at a weigh-in. I'm not saying the UFC had to pay her to show up, maybe she came as a fan.
It was a nice change. Especially great eye candy
Well she’s hot and famous, so why not? Chill the fuck out.
Although TS may not be breaking any site rules, can't mods/admins just make a judgement call and ban idiots like this? They have absolutely nothing interesting, funny or relevant to contribute.

It's no wonder other MMA forums look at this place as a joke. It's time some basic standards get set around here.
Getting double-dutched by the roster, once one's done somebody new jumps in.
I mean why not? Seems fun, what's the issue?

I haven't payed much attention, did she do anything bad?
shes 55 years old. she was a celebrity like 20 years ago. i guarantee that most people watching it are literally thinking "why is there a middle aged woman standing there". she is fucking irrelevant. and even if she was. why the fuck would she stand there? it does literally nothing and cheap and pathetic, like they have to sell out the sport to some irrelevant aging celebrity lmao
The last time I saw her, she looked amazing for 55. Trust me. She still has plenty of star power.
She still smoking hot, even at 55.
I’m guessing normal ring girls don’t have enough star power.
Anyone saying they haven’t thought about smashing Halle Berry is kidding themselves
Random? maybe, average? wtf? She's a big MMA fan and a face everyone recognizes, and while you consider her average, most the world would say the opposite. I think she's filming a movie where she's an MMA fighter and a few female UFC fighters are in it, so not exactly random

lol a movie? Let me guess, she plays a young fighter in her 20s? Cause you know, we're supposed to kiss her ass and pretend like she looks super young for her age and it doesn't look retarded that she plays several decades younger than her actual age?
It’s part of the diversity image to appease woke América and blm
Lol Is this what its come to with you tin foil hat wearing conspiracy theorist nut jobs

"They brought in a celebrity who happens to be not white to cater to non racists" lol do you realize how ridiculous that sounds

So anytime a non white celebrity makes an appearence its to "push diversity" lol it seems to me youre bigoted and racially sensitive so these thoughts pop up in your mind every time you see a non white person lol

And how is this pushing diversity exactly lol I mean its 2021 people are pretty much completlyy intergrated, I mean interacial sex marriages relationships, black and white tag teams fratenrities, if you manage to have sex or reproduce somehow I wouldnt be surprised if you have black grandchildren, heck you probably already have a non white nephew lmfao

Either way we are all one people regardless of if you refuse to accept it or not. :)
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LOL CALM DOWN, my opinion's in line with the majority of people. Who cares she's 55? She doesn't look anywhere close to 55. Shit, she looks younger than a lot of females who are half age. And please explain to me how UFC having an Academy Award-winning actress who was a former Miss America makes the sport look cheap and pathetic? Clearly, you hate her, but she's one of the top actresses in Hollywood, and even at her granny age still makes a lot of world's most beautiful people lists.

You saying she makes the UFC look cheap and pathetic is hilarious when you think about how Motel 6 & Mickeys Malt Liquor are both official sponsors. Nothing says expensive and quality like those 2 companies!

If anything it would add some legitimacy to the sport to people who don't watch it. Halle being at the weigh ins won't make me not watch MMA, but it might make one of her fans who've never watched MMA watch it. And they might become a fan. Seems like a win/win to me.

She absolutely does not look "younger than women half her age". In the candid Valentina picture she looks her age. Even in tons of make-up and botox she cannot pass for younger than mid 40s.
So if
lol a movie? Let me guess, she plays a young fighter in her 20s? Cause you know, we're supposed to kiss her ass and pretend like she looks super young for her age and it doesn't look retarded that she plays several decades younger than her actual age?


Dunno, she doesn't look any older to nm than Valentina, who's 33. I don't think anyone's kissing her ass pretending she looks younger than she is. She looks nowhere close to 55.
She was in that live action Flintstones movie. Go watch that.
didn't she just make a MMA movie that screwed one of the female fighters? Im sure this is some kinda promotion.