Why Poirier will knock Khabib out cold!

Conor took a round in which he didn’t really accomplish anything, Khabib looked incredible in that fight and other than taking the third to catch his breath he destroyed Conor.
Conor is inside Khabibs head. All Khabib keeps talking about is Conor this Conor that, no mention of his opponent poirier. Conor really did a number on him in the mental warfare game.

Khabib taking his focus off Poirier and instead thinking about Conor will be his downfall.

Plus poirier is a good stand up fighter. Look at round 3 of Conor vs Khabib. Conor was toying with him, tagging Khabib over and over again and rocking and hurting Khabib a couple of times. That was a Conor McGregor who only had one foot and come into the fight with a broken foot. As far as I’m aware poirier is 100% healthy, so he will be able to be even more effective than Conor was in the stand up.
You Conor fans just need to shut the fuck up and crawl back into that hole you came from. Khabib would smash him with one hand tied behind his back.
hahaha noob thread in retrospect
Why did the mods change the title of the thread? The headline use to say expert analysis
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Conor is inside Khabibs head. All Khabib keeps talking about is Conor this Conor that, no mention of his opponent poirier. Conor really did a number on him in the mental warfare game.

Khabib taking his focus off Poirier and instead thinking about Conor will be his downfall.

Plus poirier is a good stand up fighter. Look at round 3 of Conor vs Khabib. Conor was toying with him, tagging Khabib over and over again and rocking and hurting Khabib a couple of times. That was a Conor McGregor who only had one foot and come into the fight with a broken foot. As far as I’m aware poirier is 100% healthy, so he will be able to be even more effective than Conor was in the stand up.
Now you know why I hate these types of threads.

9/10 the owner ends up looking like a complete asshole.
TS has never been right in any of these threads. I really hope he never says Khabib is going to beat somebody in one of them.
Conor is inside Khabibs head. All Khabib keeps talking about is Conor this Conor that, no mention of his opponent poirier. Conor really did a number on him in the mental warfare game.

Khabib taking his focus off Poirier and instead thinking about Conor will be his downfall.

Plus poirier is a good stand up fighter. Look at round 3 of Conor vs Khabib. Conor was toying with him, tagging Khabib over and over again and rocking and hurting Khabib a couple of times. That was a Conor McGregor who only had one foot and come into the fight with a broken foot. As far as I’m aware poirier is 100% healthy, so he will be able to be even more effective than Conor was in the stand up.

Fucking spastic
I bet ts had balloon foot in the lead up to this thread!
Conor is inside Khabibs head. All Khabib keeps talking about is Conor this Conor that, no mention of his opponent poirier. Conor really did a number on him in the mental warfare game.

Khabib taking his focus off Poirier and instead thinking about Conor will be his downfall.

Plus poirier is a good stand up fighter. Look at round 3 of Conor vs Khabib. Conor was toying with him, tagging Khabib over and over again and rocking and hurting Khabib a couple of times. That was a Conor McGregor who only had one foot and come into the fight with a broken foot. As far as I’m aware poirier is 100% healthy, so he will be able to be even more effective than Conor was in the stand up.
Dude take the Mcgregor dick out of your mouth already.
My favorite theme that took up in the days before the fight was "it is so hot, and Dustin is used to it. Dagestan is basically like Yakutsk so Khabib will gas".

yeah because being grapple-fucked by Khabib will leave you fresher than the guy dominating LOL.
WHat kind of stupid fucking logic is that?

Anything can happen in a fight, but these predictions were just dumb.

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