Why UFC fighters use cryotherapy? It's bulsh*t.

There used to be no scientific whatsoever backing glucosamine when I got it recommended for dealing with knee pain from cartilage wear.
There was still no evidence when I recommended it to other people for the same purposes.

It literally took about a decade with only anecdotal evidence supporting its efficacy before studies made it established science.
Vaccines are bad, but the medical people aren't going to tell you that. I know I know, get all the shots and gov't injections you want; more for you.
We work with Crytherapy all the time with real patients and it does work very well especially with many kind of inflammatory / rheumatic diseases.

Its no surprise that it has a high impact on recovery as the more we learned about metabolism we know now how many small inflammations get developed while training. But thats only one of many positive aspects.

I prefer cryo without any kind of humidity which is the most expensive in technology. The body can adapt much better so you are able to go down to -30°C and you have excellent results. The evidence is there now and fun part is when it wasnt we had many cryo facilities. Now that evidence is more and more backing it and therapeutic sucess is huge it doesnt get paid anymore and they close down. Instead well you are often told to take more medication with malign side effects.

happy new world
At least it doesn't end up making giant polka dots on your skin like cupping does.
The second page, they say “we are aware of the limitations of this literature review” So, they’re admitting that there’s no true evidence. Additionally, it’s a LITERATURE REVIEW”. No work was done, just reading other people’s work.

Kudos to you do at least taking time to research
Well I didn't really take time. I spent approximately 1 minute on the google search, reading the first few lines of the abstract and posting in this forum. However, it is in a peer reviewed journal, it is cited in other articles and it cites multiple empirical and theoretical studies. It would be nice to see actual science but unfortunately that isn't how medical research is conducted... they rely more on trial studies to test a drug with a control group because they can't really measure the actual effects a drug has on the body since there are so many factors involved. The long and short of it is that medical research is a very imperfect field, but it's getting better with tech.

I think the majority consensus is that cold therapy works--cryotherapy specifically may not have any additional benefits but yeah.

Interesting topic, shit thread lol.
the doctor who published that paper was caught taking money from a law firm that was planning to sue. He admitted he was wrong. The reason for the increase in cases of autism was because they expanded the definition of autism to include more people.
Even if its work what will be mechanism of that. I dont think so that stay in the cold place make you stronger.

There's tons of evidence that subjecting the body to moderate stressers induces beneficial reactions from the body.

Micro-tears in the muscles lead to muscle building.
Being pushed to exhaustion leads to cardiovascular enhancements and production of more red blood cells.
Fasting and temporary starvation lead to autophagy.
Exposure to viruses leads to the production of antibodies.
Oxygen deprivation at high altitudes leads to cardiovascular enhancements as well.

Why is it SOOOOOOO hard to believe that exposure to extreme cold could also have beneficial effects?
I was lazy and didn't read the entire thing but this is a review article (scientific journal article that reviews other studies on the topic) that supports cryotherapy as having positive benefits for recovery and healing.


Just go to google scholar and do your research. It took under 1 min to find this article. I'm sure its the tip of the iceberg but perhaps next time you make a forum demanding scientific research articles you could post the research you found to support the position or point you are trying to make. AKA, site your sources. I found no articles saying it is pseudoscience like you suggest.

Not sure why you bothered. TS took the same line as a flat Earther.

"Show me one shred of credible evidence that the Earth is round!..."

"That's not evidence!! It's fake.. stupid sheeple."

Impossible to argue against that kind of logic.