Winter Olympics 2018 PyeongChang Discussion: Norovirus and North Korea Nuclear Holocaust Edition

With how much money the Olympics make off of unpaid athletes sacrifice, and hearing all the corruption that takes place, alongside the sports not even being relevant to me (idgaf about bob sledding, or foo foo judge based artistic things like figure skating), coupled with the fact they aren't even showing sports at their highest tier anymore (Now that NHL players don't take part you can't tell me a gold in hockey means anything since it's amateurs)...

All of the Olympic mystique is dead.

It's dead along with Nationalism the globalists have been trying to erode for years. The limp-dicks are no longer relevant. I'll be glad when they fade into obscurity because as cable TV goes, so does the networks, and they are the only thing propping up this immensely corrupt farce of a competition.
Oh, lest we forget, the Russians didn't just taint Sochi on this massive scale:
Russian state doped more than 1,000 athletes and corrupted London 2012
Then there's the fact that it feels like every major Russian professional athlete and their mom in the last five years is getting busted for the same drugs we're seeing in these state-sponsored doping scandals (ex. Sharapova and her Meldonium).

Russia is a scourge and a joke on the international sporting stage, right now, and they deserve it. LOL at trying to equate that to Americans by virtue of statistics drawn from data that don't even bear on the present century.

My question is, why do you even care? Who cares if some Russians doped in a competition where likely almost every country is? It's a pay to win system, if you dope just make sure you grease the right wheels. The Olympics have proven to be nothing but one big corrupt mess based on money, and wining and dining the Olympic committee.
Johnny Weir on point with a look not likely to be topped :eek:

How about Nike then. THey've done two organized doping programs since 1980 + moved the top sprinters to the "Santa Monica Track Club" to be just outside the OOC testing radius.



Nope, not even close, and Nike crosses borders.
My question is, why do you even care? Who cares if some Russians doped in a competition where likely almost every country is? It's a pay to win system, if you dope just make sure you grease the right wheels. The Olympics have proven to be nothing but one big corrupt mess based on money, and wining and dining the Olympic committee.
Because false equivocations are for lazy and ignorant people.
Welp, another Olympics in the books. I am proud of all our US athletes.
Oh look K Pop. All they need now is a bowl of Pho to make it authentic Korea
Ben Hai River conflict was bitch, just sayin.
Charlie was dug in deep with mortars and NVA was
nowhere to be found, typical.
and it wasn't even during Tet.
like the late great richard branson said "let them all cheat"
like the late great richard branson said "let them all cheat"
Richard Branson is still alive, but I agree, and have for most of my life. The more I see the more I'm convinced I'm not wrong.

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