Wish me luck tomorrow...


Holy Paladin
Feb 17, 2020
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Tomorrow, I'm seeing an Endocrinologist

For over 2 years now, I've been dizzy and having anxiety and panic attacks. My eyes very tired super quick when I'm reading or watching TV, on the computer, etc...

I've seen doctors, ENT, opthalmologists, a vision therapist, neurologist, neuro opthalmologist, I've had an MRI, ultrasound, blood test

I saw a new doctor a few weeks ago and we went through my bloodwork and my thyroglobulin is 5x of what is normal. My doctor said my thyroid was big and could be releasing the hormones that are causing my panic attacks. I hope that it's what's causing my vision issues, too, since they both happened at the same time. I've actually had vision issues for 20 years, but never could figure it out.

I've been taking metoprolol for about a month now. It's helping a lot but I can still feel like I"m on the verge of having a panic attack sometimes.

So tomorrow, hopefully, all these issues will be taken care of.
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Good luck.

Doc will probably tell you this but exercise and clean diet will help your body to be able to balance its own systems. Also sleep, ideally at the same time and for 7-8 hours if possible.

I have been on TRT for a few years and had positive results, certainly much better when I follow my own advise from above
Good luck buddy. I think it's brave of you to go and see the Endocrinologist who has porn videos on the internet. Ive seen them, and they certainly do something to MY hormones, i can tell ya that!
Tomorrow, I'm seeing an Endocrinologist

For over 2 years now, I've been dizzy and having anxiety and panic attacks. My eyes very tired super quick when I'm reading or watching TV, on the computer, etc...

I've seen doctors, ENT, opthalmologists, a vision therapist, neurologist, neuro opthalmologist, I've had an MRI, ultrasound, blood test

I saw a new doctor a few weeks ago and we went through my bloodwork and my thyroglobulin is 5x of what is normal. My doctor said my thyroid was big and could be releasing the hormones that are causing my panic attacks. I hope that it's what's causing my vision issues, too, since they both happened at the same time. I've actually had vision issues for 20 years, but never could figure it out.

I've been taking metoprolol for about a month now. It's helping a lot but I can still feel like I"m on the verge of having a panic attack sometimes.

So tomorrow, hopefully, all these issues will be taken care of.

Hope you figure this out sir.
Im on thyroid medication myself.
It's hard to go to the doctor as a man. But you're doing the right thing. I know you must be scared right now but just remember the sherbros are here for you.

What's most likely is you'll have to make some health adjustments of some kind, and it'll suck and you won't like it but it's going to be ok.
Tomorrow, I'm seeing an Endocrinologist

For over 2 years now, I've been dizzy and having anxiety and panic attacks. My eyes very tired super quick when I'm reading or watching TV, on the computer, etc...

I've seen doctors, ENT, opthalmologists, a vision therapist, neurologist, neuro opthalmologist, I've had an MRI, ultrasound, blood test

I saw a new doctor a few weeks ago and we went through my bloodwork and my thyroglobulin is 5x of what is normal. My doctor said my thyroid was big and could be releasing the hormones that are causing my panic attacks. I hope that it's what's causing my vision issues, too, since they both happened at the same time. I've actually had vision issues for 20 years, but never could figure it out.

I've been taking metoprolol for about a month now. It's helping a lot but I can still feel like I"m on the verge of having a panic attack sometimes.

So tomorrow, hopefully, all these issues will be taken care of.
I think more additional tests need to be done, as an enlarged thyroid may not be a cause, but a consequence.
In any case, I wish you good luck in solving this problem.