Work has gone full SJW.. Human Resources is now "People and Cultural Diversity Offices"

My work apparently no longer has an HR department. It's now "People and Cultural Diversity Offices". These brave SJWs fired my white cisgendered co-worker for essentially being too fat to perform the job. Who do these geniuses hire to replace him? An even FATTER middle aged female.


Seriously this shit is getting ridiculous. I'm all for indiscriminate (non-discriminatory, oops) hiring practices but if the job requires a certain amount of physical fitness you should be able to hire accordingly.

I guess this is the conversation I'm trying to start.

Are you old enough to remember when Personel Dept became HR? Much bitching then too. Same thing, new name.
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Have to disagree about HR. You wouldn't believe the shit they have to deal with sometimes.
All the time. My mom ran HR for a division that had 7 hospitals in FL. The stories.....
Anyone working in HR or PR should be doing so on a volunteer basis. Matter of fact those positions should merely exist as a hobby outside of work similar to a gossip group.

Sounds like you have a shitty HR Dept.
one of the joys of working on a USMC base

no whining, merit based, mad diverse, fatshaming is built in and part of the program, etc...
All the time. My mom ran HR for a division that had 7 hospitals in FL. The stories.....
My old boss put a hidden camera in my shop to catch a guy sleeping. They caught two (TWO!!!) guys jerking off
My old boss put a hidden camera in my shop to catch a guy sleeping. They caught two (TWO!!!) guys jerking off

That's good stuff. There was a lot of truly ugly stuff but a funny one was a hospital caught a twin covering a shift for her sister who was on vacation. Thing is, one was a Registered Nurse and the other had no training at all. When she was caught she stupidly admitted that they had done it several times.