Wow Kevin Randleman looks small nowadays!

He isn't tall or has a super wide frame even he was just really muscular and still is far from small in this pic just smaller
Looks more healthy. No reason to keep all that mass if you're not competing.
The fade haircut, and he's not blonde anymore

Now he looks like a backup dancer for some popstar

You know I was thinking about this for a bit and realized it was in his eyes/forehead that looked different. And I realized it is because he is smiling and he almost never smiled in his fighting days. Can't recognize him without his trademark scowl.

Randleman looks pretty good there. Pena is a big woman.
He looks normal. There is nothing wrong.
Pics are deceiving. Sure he's smaller but he isn't tiny like you are claiming. I remember his legs just being huge tho
The shorts that Pena is wearing aren't very flattering. Randleman looks like he stopped working out.
He was never a big dude. He had bug muscles but a small frame.
Julianna looking like wife material in those shorts.
Pena is cute as fuck

Rousey only wished she was that good looking
Black don't crack. He still looks young.
wow that doesn't even look like him

I was expecting it to just be some random black guy
The sad part is upon first viewing I thought this was a troll thread where you insert a random black person and pretend like you think they're someone else. I looked again and realized it really was Kevin Randleman.