
Oh geez, the av with the tube sock titties is actually someone's cumbucket who posts on here and screws an unemployed brother behind the bar whilst whelping a flipper child.....whew, and to boot this flapjack titted bitch sends this horrid pic to other dudes on the same site her swinging dick posts at? .....nice flame fodder......uwned!!1
Originally posted by avid
Oh geez, the av with the tube sock titties is actually someone's cumbucket who posts on here and screws an unemployed brother behind the bar whilst whelping a flipper child.....whew, and to boot this flapjack titted bitch sends this horrid pic to other dudes on the same site her swinging dick posts at? .....nice flame fodder......uwned!!1

How is it up Bruce Lovely's ass anyway sheep? The bullshit thick enough for ya?
Note to OT:

DRA's defense to all attacks has moved from "Thats Lame" and "That's unoriginal" to referencing you swinging from Bruce Lovely's nuts. If Bruce actually had a lot of people swinging from his nuts, avid would not be one of them. At the heart of this lies one thing DRA, you're still a newbie, not by postcount, but by attitude and actions. You actually don't know any of the personalities here nor can you seemingly comprehend how any of the personnas here function on this forum.
Bruce would be the first to tell you I'm far from one of his sheep, that being said, when you bring too much of your personal life into the forum don't expect it not to get shit on.....

Happy 1 year Vod....Pal can take down the for sale sign. avid owns you
i've been here for over a year and a month. I'M HARDCORE OLD SKOOL!!!!!!!!!!!#%@$^#%^#%@$^#$%#$^
Whew! Even when I'm off for awhile it just keeps coming! That's what I get for feeding the fire. :(
Originally posted by Pennywise
The great thing about this thread..................noone really give's a fuck about VOD"s anniversary !!!!!!!!!

Well the point of the thread wasn't to brag or anything, it was just an excuse to get a flame war going....
Originally posted by VOD
Well the point of the thread wasn't to brag or anything, it was just an excuse to get a flame war going....

Worked like a charm man. You know, we really need to animate your Micheal Myers av! Not sure how yet.
Originally posted by DarkRainAngel
I'm not going to reiterate the same paragraph again. Same points here. BLAH BLAH If your're gullible enough to believe certain things I suppose you're welcome to it. Just because karebear wouldn't cyber with you is no reason to fly off the handle. Honeslty, I think you're the guy who's had the problem with me the longest. I might be wrong, I'll have to check the date on the PM's. As for the child comment, it speaks wonders for Sherdog's moderators that you would even consider posting something like that. You should know better.

What does me being a moderator have to do with giving your kid a pat on the crotch? If you don't care for it here, then don't post. It's not hard. You get dickslapped on a daily basis and the only posts you have are defending yourself. By the way I'm really glad that you changed your avatar to something cool after having to serve out a prison sentence with that chubby fuck holding a lightsabre. You post all night long and still have the time to read your girl's 800 posts a day talking about how much of a tramp she is? You better also check her PM log, it's probably full as shit.
Originally posted by DarkRainAngel
The reason no one comprehends how things work is because nothing you do makes sense.

Originally posted by DarkRainAngel
Worked like a charm man. You know, we really need to animate your Micheal Myers av! Not sure how yet.

Get off of Rorny's nuts.
Originally posted by DarkRainAngel
How's your av working out for ya? Good? GREAT! VOD doesn't make me laugh because he's been pulling this bullshit since december. Maybe if some of you guys pulled Bruce's cock out of your mouth for 5 seconds you'd be able to pay better attention.

Wow, you're really a whiner. You've been getting attacked because you're a loser. Not really any other reason. I mean everyone goes through a point when they first get here they get attacked cause they're new. It's like our version of hazing but you've been labeled as one of those guys that just can't handle it so you're fun to fuck with all of the time. You'll be our bitch for as long as you're on this forum.
Originally posted by Bruce Lovely
Get off of Rorny's nuts.

???? You'll have to explain this one to me, my avs have nothing to do with Rorny my man!
Originally posted by VOD
What does me being a moderator have to do with giving your kid a pat on the crotch? If you don't care for it here, then don't post. It's not hard. You get dickslapped on a daily basis and the only posts you have are defending yourself. By the way I'm really glad that you changed your avatar to something cool after having to serve out a prison sentence with that chubby fuck holding a lightsabre. You post all night long and still have the time to read your girl's 800 posts a day talking about how much of a tramp she is? You better also check her PM log, it's probably full as shit.

Whatever man. I'm not the one keeping this going. :D
Originally posted by VOD
Wow, you're really a whiner. You've been getting attacked because you're a loser. Not really any other reason. I mean everyone goes through a point when they first get here they get attacked cause they're new. It's like our version of hazing but you've been labeled as one of those guys that just can't handle it so you're fun to fuck with all of the time. You'll be our bitch for as long as you're on this forum.

Man, I really bother you don't I. It would be my pleasure to ruin every day for you :)