YetiFeet's Quest for Greatness



My main goals are simply to get stronger and bigger...

Which means this:


Current Goals:
- Bench 300lbs
- SOHP 225lbs
- Squat 400lbs
- Deadlift 450lbs
- Improve hip flexibility
- Improve tight hip flexors getting better, no discomfort in hips during last squat session (1/16/12)

Past Goals:
- 1000lbs raw big three total SUCCESS! 1005lbs total as of 1/18/11!
- Squat 3x5x1.5 body weight (BW) SUCCESS! Squatted 3x5x310lbs at 205lbs BW on 3/5/11!
- Strengthen hamstrings (5x10xBW+weight on GHR) Completed! 5x10xBW+5lbs on 1/16/12

Current PRs ("big four")
Squat: 9x315lbs (1/2/12)
Deadlift: 7x370lbs (1/5/12), 11X340lbs (6/8/11)
Bench: 9x230lbs (1/17/12), 6x250lbs (1/3/12)
Standing OHP: 6x170lbs (1/7/12), 8x165lbs (1/28/12)
Other PRs
Weighted pullups: 2x5xBW(@205lbs)+45lbs; chins: 7xBW(200)+25lbs
Kroc rows: Left+Right x28x100lbs (12/9/11)
Front squat: 3x5x210lbs (8/24/10)

PRs from the start of my log (4/14/10)
Squat: 5x5x235lbs (questionable depth 0_o)
Deadlift: 2x210lbs
Bench: 5x5x195lbs
Standing OHP: 5x5x130lbs
Pendlay BOR: 4x185lbs
Pullups: 13XBW @187lbs

Current stats (as of 1/6/12)
Weight: 215lbs approx. 211ish when light, 218 when heavy. Still lean with visible abs... I need some skin calipers.

(4/28/11) Height: still 6'1''
Weight: 200lbs (upon waking; after urinating/crapping and before eating/drinking), 205lbs+ by end of day
I haven't gained any weight in many months but I'm still getting bigger; I've been slowly leaning out (I can see a little quad definition now, never have before) and have visible abs... this means I have not been eating enough -_- I should be 210lbs dry! At least I'm slowly getting stronger.

(11/9/10) weight approx 205lbs
(10/28/10) weight approx 201lbs
(9/29/10): weight approx 199lbs
(7/20/10): weight approx 196lbs
(7/2/10):Weight: approx 193lbs

Stats at the start of my log (4/14/10)
Height: 6'1''
Weight: approx 187lbs

Current program:
Wendler 5/3/1 4x per week with "periodization bible" assistance (BBB is boooring)
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Welcome to the logs,

good choice of challenging goals, are you going with a specific program?
Workout from 4/13/10

6 minutes on bicycle at 85-90 rpm

lots of bodyweight squats and shoulder dislocations; heavy emphasis on having no tail tuck while hitting depth

5x95lbs, 5x135lbs, 4x175lbs, 3x210lbs, 1x225lbs, work set: 5x5x235lbs
shoulder dislocations, reps with bar, 5x135lbs, 4x155, 2x175, 1x185, work set: 5x5x195lbs
BOR: (forgot to bring my journal, accidentally did 185 instead of 180lbs =/)
warmups (forgot to write down), 4x185lbs, 4x185lbs, 3x185lbs, 3x185lbs, 2x185lbs

My squatting depth has been barely acceptable --> strained my lower back a few weeks ago and am finally recovering my ROM and now I'm working on getting nice and rubbery hammies
Welcome to the logs,

good choice of challenging goals, are you going with a specific program?

Hi! glad to be here!

I'm basically doing the stronglifts 5x5 routine: A day: squat, bench, BOR; B day: squat, OHP, pullups, deadlift. I switched to it in February after doing high rep squats in January (started with 95lbs; my squatting was terrible!) and it's been working really well for me.
4/16/10 - B day today

Been feeling a bit sick since Monday but I'm feeling better today, not quite 100% though... however:

New PRs abound!

Squat: work set: 5x5x240lbs PR
OHP: work set: 5x5x135lbs PR
Deadlift: work set: 5x225lbs PR

Gym closed early today so I ran out of time and had to do deads before pullup and went home to finish up with my pullups

didn't feel great so I slacked :mad:

Pullups: 4x6xBW plus one set of 6xBW of the half pullup half chinup grip chins

The squats felt pretty good. My stretching has been slowly improving my hamstring and lower back flexibility and my squatting shows it. Depth was good (still want to get lower than just parallel with little/no tail tuck, work in progress) and tailtuck was pretty good too

On another note I've felt my weight shifting a little forward during a couple reps while squatting the past couple sessions... need to watch out for that
Took an extra day off from lifting and BJJ; been a bit run down from my cold and have been studying for my midterm tomorrow.

After the midterm though... beast mode all day!
Workout from 4/21/10

It sucked... got two PRs I guess... but it still sucked

My squats felt wrong. Depth was good but they kind of hurt my hips which has never happened before, so I only did 3x5 instead of 5x5

Workout: A day
Squat: 3x5x245lbs PR
Bench: 3x5x200lbs, 2x3x200lbs PR

I had to set up my BORs on upper floor of the gym since they closed the lower floor (where the olympic pad is) for a class... apparently it made so much noise that the facility manager left her office downstairs to hunt me down... do I had to do cable rows with a lat pulldown bar after she was done complaining :rolleyes:

Cable rows (lame): 4x14 setting(??)x6 reps

that's all; hopefully my workout tomorrow will be better
Been a little while

I took a week off because my body demanded it; I had a few tests and I wasn't getting enough rest to recuperate properly.

This is my workout from this past Saturday and I deloaded a little

Workout (5/1/10) A day
Squat: 5x5x225lbs
Bench: 5x5x190lbs
Pendlay BOR: 3x5x180lbs, 1x3x180lbs (wasn't feeling them)
Deadlift: 1x5x220lbs
I was pissed about my BORs sucking so I did...
DB rows: 1x5x85lbs on each side (this made me feel better for some reason)

Woot that is all
Back on a lifting schedule after my week off

I'm going to start lifting every two days instead of 3x per week on nonconsecutive days so it doesn't interfere with my BJJ

No squatting today because my left ankle is a bit messed up and I can't hit depth because of it, deadlifts were good though, PRs!

Workout B day (5/4/10)
Deadlift: 2x5x235lbs rep PR, 1x245lbs PR
SOHP: 3x5x135lbs, 1x4x135, got burnt out after this :mad:
Pullups: super shitty; 10xBW, 6xBW, 3xBW (gave up, no willpower today)
I've been a major space case lately; I forgot to update my log with my last workout!

Both of my forearms (feels almost like my bone, not my muscles) have been not happy; took it easy on the upper body stuff.

Squatting was miserable again; i feel like an old man and even though my depth is good my hips are feeling strained - more flexibility work and good recovery is needed

This is from Friday 5/7/10

A day
Squat: 3x5x230lbs
Bench: 3x5x195lbs
BOR: 3x5x175lbs
no DLs
Workout from today

Forearms are still messed up. Even rolling technique super light didn't feel great on my forearms; not looking good

Icing them and taking aleve now

Since straight pulling doesn't hurt my forearms (lateral pressure on my hands hurts my forearms the most oddly) I figure I'd try deadlifting today. I was going to squat first but my left ankle is hurt again/still and it hurt with body weight squats so no.

Workout 5/10/10
Deadlift: warmups; 1x3x240lbs, 1x3x245lbs, 1x3x250lbs PR

Deads felt good; looking back I feel like I could have pushed it more but I'm still gaining confidence on deads and my lower back is feeling good on them, so I figure as long as I make good progress I'm A-OK :icon_chee
I went beast mode today on my deadlift... it was definitely the hardest I've pulled yet, and I feel like I had a little more in me too (just a lil though :D)

My wrist is still messed up but I managed to get some dumbell rows in because they didn't aggravate my wrists. Ankle is still messed up too but did some light squatting, mostly for form because my squatting has gone to shit AGAIN :mad:

Workout 5/14/10
Squat: warmups, 5x165lbs, 5x185lbs, 5x195lbs, 5x205lbs - these felt good but my ankle started feeling a little weird so I didn't push it further
Deadlift 5x135lbs, 4x165lbs, blah forgot 2 sets I think, 1x265lbs... then I went for broke with 1x300lbs! HUGE PR!

I failed on the first attempt with double overhand grips, then switched to a mixed grip and pulled it nice and clean :icon_chee
Dumbell rows: went light because of the wrist; 2x6x75lbs, 8x75lbs (felt like doing 8 because the gym was about to close)

Well... I'd say today was a good day
A decent day in the gym yesterday. My squatting is slowly getting better again (hit depth on most of the reps) but my ankle is still not great so I didn't go all out. Wrist is still not great as well but I wrapped it in one of my old boxing wraps which felt much better when I benched a bit. Deadlifting is going well though!

Workout 5/16/10
Squat: warmups, 5x185lbs, 5x205lbs, 5x215lbs ankle messed up, took it easy
Bench: 2x5x190lbs; wrist still isn't great so took it easy
Deadlift: 1x5x275lbs rep PR
Dumbell row: 5x6x75lbs
Went to Norway over the weekend, worked out at City Gym in Stavanger on Saturday

Here's my workout from then

Workout 5/22/10
Squat: 3x5x220lbs (ankle still not feeling great -_-)
Bench: 3x5x187lbs, 1x4x187lbs (converted from Kgs haha)
Deadlift 5x285lbs rep PR
Pullups: 2x8xBW
Dumbell rows 2x6x80lbs

This was my first fully workout in a couple of weeks due to injuries, woo!
Workout from yesterday

Workout 5/26/10
Squat: 3x5x225lbs
SOHP: 5x5x125lbs
Deadlift: 5x295lbs rep PR
Pullups: 2x10xBW, 1x6xBW

Deadlift is really going up!
Workout from 5/30/10

Squat: 3x5x230lbs
Bench: 6x175lbs, 2x5x185lbs
Deadlift: 2x270lbs, 1x305lbs PR; was trying to go for 5x305lbs but just ran out of gas

Gym closed early so I went home and did a bunch of random gi and towel pullups. Also did 60 pushups on pushup bars (same grip width and form as benching, done in sets of 20, then 10, 10 etc)

not a great day, but not bad either
Workout from 6/1/10
Squat: 3x5x235lbs
SOHP: 3x5x130lbs
close grip towel pullups: 8xBW, 6xBW, 6 regular pullups (the towel ones were gnarly!)

Squatting felt good - numbers finally going up again wooo :icon_chee
Decided to change my workout routine because I feel like my squatting isn't going anywhere; feels like I get overloaded too fast.

Now I'm working out every 2 days (still trying to figure out when and how to deload etc too =/) and following the SS advanced novice program

Workout from 6/4/10
Squat: 2x5x190lbs (80% of 5RM)
Bench: 3x5x185lbs, 9x140lbs (75% of 3x5 weight) - these felt really good, on to 190lbs next bench day
Deadlift: 5x300lbs PR I need to start using my chalk -_-
Towel pullups: 10xBW, 7xBW, 6xBW

Today was a good day
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Nice log! Good progress on the DL. I hope I can replicate that!
One of my best squat days ever; no question about my depth - I broke parallel no problem and my form felt great.

Workout 6/6/10
Squat: 3x5x240lbs, 8x190lbs
SOHP: 3x5x135lbs, 8x110lbs
Pullups (regular): 10xBW, 7xBW, 7xBW

Today was an awesome squat day!

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