You are attacked by a game pitt...

This is a parody post right? Hard to tell on here.
No. You believing an unarmed person could fuck a pitty up, one of the most fierce breeds of dog on the planet, is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read in my life.
LOL, no you would not fuck that dog up. What planet are you on? Do you understand the force of pit's bite? How strong and agile they are? They would rip you to shreds in seconds. It ain't a movie.

I understand the force of a pits bite, I understand how strong and agile they are, I understand everything about them since I've been around them since the day i was born, my 4 plus decades of experience with them, including the one laying in my lap at this moment, lets me know what they are capable of
They aint ripping you to shreds in seconds, bro, a healthy able bodied man would be able to fight off a 50 lb dog, lets stop being so overdramatic
No. You believing an unarmed person could fuck a pitty up, one of the most fierce breeds of dog on the planet, is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read in my life.

Lol I had to read your post history to make sure you weren't trolling. You think a golden retriever would end you. Have you secretly been a woman all this time? Don't cuck yourself to a 50 lb dog. You have a massive size advantage. You have the strength advantage. You have the variety of attack advantage. You have the fight IQ advantage. It's not a leopard or something my guy. Claiming it would rip you to shreds in seconds is one of the dumbest shit I've ever read.
I think I can take it.

A) I am never fully unarmed. I have pepper spray on my Keychain any time I leave the house, and usually a knife, which would end a dog quickly.

B) I accept I may get bit.

I'd try to inflict damage from distance, then get to the back once distance was breached. From there maybe a choke, or a stab or cut the throat, depending on the location where this occurs, if there are witnesses and if the dog could be subdued without further harm.

Hope I never find out. I like dogs.
But if it is down to him or me, I'll send a dog to sniff butts in doggy heaven.
Some people in this thread watch too much TV, thinking putbulls are fucking unstoppable Hunger Games super killers.

I had some sort of pit mutt try to attack my dog on a walk about 15 years ago.
I kicked that motherfucker in the chest HARD and he whimpered back where he came from.

Sorry dog.
Fuck you dog's irresponsible shitty owner.
I understand the force of a pits bite, I understand how strong and agile they are, I understand everything about them since I've been around them since the day i was born, my 4 plus decades of experience with them, including the one laying in my lap at this moment, lets me know what they are capable of
They aint ripping you to shreds in seconds, bro, a healthy able bodied man would be able to fight off a 50 lb dog, lets stop being so overdramatic
No. You're relating to your personal experience with your pets. If you broke into a place, and a pit came around the corner to fuck you up, you best have an escape route, or you're done. By all means, though, square up with one. Give 'em the old one-two, and sweep the leg...
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No. You're relating to your personal experience with your pets. If you broke into a place, and a pit came around the corner to fuck you up, you best have an escape route, or you're done. By all means, though, square up with one. Give 'em the old one-two, and sweep the leg...

Yes, I have personal experience, I literally told a story in this very thread about the time I was attacked by a pitbull, how much experience do you have?


Who knows more about this subject, me or you?
No. You're relating to your personal experience with your pets. If you broke into a place, and a pit came around the corner to fuck you up, you best have an escape route, or you're done. By all means, though, square up with one. Give 'em the old one-two, and sweep the leg...
You're wrong man. There's a reason why you hear news stories about pitbulls killing children and not full grown men between 20-50.

It would suck to fight a pitbull. You will get injuries. But you will win that fight.

Unless you're disabled or a giant pussy or something.
False. I reject this premise because i was informed by smarter; therefore better people than me that these dogs never attack, are peaceful and its the owners fault....

Dogs of Peace Bless
How many grown men have you seen bashing a pitbull's head in? It's not a robot dude. It's physical weaker and has limited ways to attack. You are cucking yourself to a 50 lb dog.

The biggest thing holding a person back is that in general people do not want to fight a pitbull. If you want to fuck that dog up, you will. You'll need medical treatment and stitches but you'll survive.

There's a reason why there's literally no videos of any person in the history of the internet going on the offensive against a game pitbull and doing what you describe.

Physically weaker? I'd argue 50 pound pitbulls have more functional strength than most sedentary people - non-athletes.

'If you want to fuck that dog up, you will.'

I may have come off dismissive to the point as being disrespectful in my prior post. That was my mistake. So I say this with all due respect - unless you have experience with respect of the physical capabilities and potential aggressiveness of pitbulls... you have no clue what you're talking about.

And its worth mentioning my pitbull growing up was 57-ish pounds, and my bull terrier was the runt if the litter and topped off at 40 pounds. According to google the average weight of a pitbull is between 30-65 pounds, and I can guarantee 30 pounds would be a runt female and 65 is closer to being the average for males, and I've seen them 75, 85, to 95 pounds.

An inexperienced pitbull fucking up a feral coyote.
Oh, and I can testify this is a legitimate trait in pitbulls that have no training & socialization... because my pitbull's mother also attacked a horse... they can/will attack anything without provocation, no matter how much bigger what they perceive as 'threats.'

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No. You believing an unarmed person could fuck a pitty up, one of the most fierce breeds of dog on the planet, is some of the dumbest shit I've ever read in my life.

If it came down to a true fight to the death, an adult human man can kill a pitt. They'll certainly do a lot of damage, but a full grown man can breaks its legs with his arms, shove their fist into their mouths and rip their tongue out, start bashing it's head repeatedly against a rock or hard ground, etc.

It all depends how savage the man is willing to get. If a man is defending his child, for example, he can kill the pitt.
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Lol. I love this thread. We have everything from "you'd bash the pitbull's head in" to "the pitbull would tear you apart in seconds." Perhaps some nuance would be helpful.

An adult game pitbull with a solid hairline would take down a Norwood III or higher. The Norwood III would put up a pretty solid fight but I imagine a Norwood VI would get beaten fairly easily.
Lol. I love this thread. We have everything from "you'd bash the pitbull's head in" to "the pitbull would tear you apart in seconds." Perhaps some nuance would be helpful.

An adult game pitbull with a solid hairline would take down a Norwood III or higher. The Norwood III would put up a pretty solid fight but I imagine a Norwood VI would get beaten fairly easily.

With or without zygotes?
Well the video isn't loading, but click on the link to see the 22 second clip.

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