You know you lift when...

Your girlfriend says "harder, faster" and you refuse because it encourages bad technique and shorter range of motion.
When you go to different gyms in your county or surrounding counties even, every week using they're "free day pass", since you're broke and cant afford a membership anywhere.
...when you wake up in the morning every day and do your 100 crunches, rain, sleet, or snow cuz you've just gotta get those ryan reynolds abs!
When you spend your last 30 minutes at work subtly stretching to get ready for the workout.
...when cleaning out your fridge, you almost look forward to attacking the guck under the crisper drawers because you have an excuse to pull a low squat and stretch, without the better half thinking you're going to shit on the kitchen floor.

also, when your significant other comes across you stretching in a deep squat and knows exactly what you're doing.
^ In the same vein as above:

When doing an ATG front squat to pick something up off the ground feels more natural than bending or leaning over to pick it up. got 2 hours of sleep last night, and you still find yourself pondering how to get some HIIT in during your break.
When you spend your last 30 minutes at work subtly stretching to get ready for the workout.

Ha! Awesome. I definitely do this. Or the first hour stretching for post wo recovery.

I like the fs feels more natural than bending over too. Good stuff guys. :)
When you don't get creeped out when a 308lb man tells you he has stiff erectors that need massaging.
When a girl puts her hand on your back, comments on your large spinal erectors, and you think that's the best compliment you have ever recieved.
When a girl puts her hand on your back, comments on your large spinal erectors, and you think that's the best compliment you have ever recieved.

God you and your spinal erectors.

When a girl puts her hand on your back and gets freaked out by your back calluses.