your bread and butter moves

man im tuff

Blue Belt
Jan 9, 2006
Reaction score
What are some of your favorite (bread and butter) moves from different positions?

A few of mine:

Guard pass: collar and ankle turn to knee on belly or side control
I get this on most everybody, works best when the person is sitting, you can do a variation similiar to this to pass butterfly guard when you are in close too.

I'm also very good at forcing through to half guard and getting head and underhook arm control using the knee slice pass and then finishing to mount or side control.

Mount escape: back roll - feet in armpits
I've heard some people trash talk this escape but it's a 99.99 percenter for me (I'm flexible though).

Sweep: I'm best at guard retention and sweeps so I don't know that I have a "bread and butter" in this area per say but I probably go for the elevator/overhead sweep from spider guard or butterfly guard and the berimbolo the most.

Guard retention: Stiff arm/cross block with legs. If you get good at this it will really step up your guard retention game. I couldn't find any videos of exactly how I do it but here is an Idea
Basically anytime someone tries to go around one side of my guard I just push their head and shoulder in the same direction they are trying to pass and bring my opposite leg around to cross block.

Guard attack: I attack and underhook straight arm lock from open guard, get up on my side and put my opposite side foot on their shoulder/arm and then push off into a triangle. I can usually hit one of the two. It's kind of like combining these two techniques:

Feel free to throw in other positions. I'm not the best at attacking from top so I don't really have any "bread and butter moves" - I like to go for collar chokes from the top.
Kimura from North South and Side Control
armbar from S-Mount, arm crush from S-Mount (Ude Gatame)
Americana from Side Control and Mount
Cross Choke from Mount and KoB
Mounted Triangle
Bow and Arrow Choke, Short Choke, and armbar from Back Control
Wristlocks from everywhere
Kimuras and Marcelotines from Butterfly Guard, Closed Guard and Standing
Inverted Triangle and Step-over Choke from Modified Scarfhold
Knee Choke and Spinning Armbar from KoB
Koshi Jime, Bow and Arrow Choke, Rolling Armbar against the turtle

Hook Flip from Butterfly Guard
Hip Bump Sweep, Pendulum Sweep, Scissor Sweep from Closed Guard
Double Leg and Knee Pick from Sitting Guard
Collar Drag to the back from Butterfly and open guards generally
Stand-up and engage from standing if they give me the space

Turtle Turnovers:
Knee and Ankle
Collar and belt drag

Knee Slide
Galvao Torreando
Sao Paolo Pass
Step Over Pass
Sprawl and circle the legs

Osoto Gari
Uchi Mata
Ouchi Gari
Tai Otoshi
Sumi Gaeshi
Kouchi Gari
De Ashi Barai/Kosoto Gari
Morote Gari (Blast Double)
Kibisu Gaeshi (Knee Pick)

That's pretty much my whole game. On the ground I focus mainly on top game, with getting to the top being my main aim from guard so I focus on sweeps and submission which easily lead into sweeps. My stand-up is basically Judo and very much ashi-waza based, with opportunistic leg grabs.
From bottom:
Ankle locks
Triangle from shin spider
Spider guard scissor sweep
Cross grip berimbolo

Knee slice
Blue belt, 2 years.

Bottom game:

-Arm drag to back, if that fails, try for armbar, if that fails, then I flower sweep.
-Arm lasso, then collar choke.
-If they try to grip both arms underneath me, I go for an omoplata right away.
-Also, with omoplatas in general, rather than sweeping, I like to keep the position and try to finish the choke ala Clark Gracie.

Open Guard
-Ankle grab sweep (or variation grabbing one ankle, one sleeve)

Spider Guard
-Triangles, triangles, triangles.
-There's a sweep (I don't know the name) where you leg lasso one arm, but instead of tucking your foot behind their back, you tuck it under the opposite side leg and lift.

Half Guard
-Another reversal I unfortunately don't know the name of. It's mostly timing based, but you stuff the opponent's arm that would normally go for an underhook down by their hips, grab their belt or pants, shift your body to open up a space to reverse into (like a butterfly sweep), and reverse! Sorry, that's probably useless. Maybe I'll be able to find a video somewhere.

Side Control
-Reverse triangle (requires some setting up, but usually works as a sweep, sometimes a submission if everything goes right, but is limited mostly white and blue belts. I might catch a purple belt once or twice, but usually they learn after the first/second time.) I find it's really nice to have it in my back pocket if they get sloppy with their side control.

Top Game:

My top game is much less developed than my bottom game.

Half Guard
-Knee cut pass

Side Control
-Brabo choke


Back Mount
-Bow & Arrow (I love it because I can really take my time to set it up tight, let them wear themselves out, and then finish)
-I will also threaten the armbar and switch back and forth.
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SEATED ARM-ACROSS GAME: This is when I constantly handfight for control so I can impose my game of dominant arm-across grips like the armdrag, the two-on-one, the cross-grip, which lead to sweeps, takedowns and back-takes. I have breaks and counters for all of their grips so it's hard for them to impose their game on me. Good posture and distance management with the knees and feet are important parts of this game.

BASIC HALF-GUARD GAME: This is when you fight for head position and underhook so you can begin to attack with backtake attempts, old-school and single-leg type sweeps, rolling sweeps (anti-darce, plan b, hip shovel all very similar), and recomposing the full guard. You move between these attacks depending on the energy your opponent gives you. I find myself using the "butterfly half" hook to control pressure and distance a lot in this position for some reason.

Escapes, I usually end up going to my knees to escape side control, or escaping or reversing during mount attempts. use both upa and elbow knee, especially the foot drag variation, from underneath the mount. the bridging details from rickson seminars were really helpful for my upa. i use the slide out escape from backmount, or the scoop escape if I get there early enough.


I use various safety positions inside the closed guard and open with the logsplitter and thrust choke attempts. Excited to try Pedro Sauer's "genius" method of uncrossing the ankles as demoed by Keith Owen.

I don't really have a set approach to passing guard, I just try to make good posture then depending on my opponent's energy I will try to split pass like renzo's double attack position (underpass one way, knee-over the other), or over-under pass, or approach with kneeslide which may become an over-under or dragon tail pass to the other side or a smashing halfguard type pass. I also try to pin the leg to the floor and move to the other side quite frequently although I mostly get tangled in half guard when I try this. I do try to catch my opponents in the arm triangle a lot as I am passing the half a la Ryan Hall, and I always flatten butterfly and isolate one hook to pass (although I have a lot of trouble finishing after isolating the hook).

After passing I mostly control at the hips a la saulo, attack the neck to open the knee on belly, low mount, ezekiel and arm triangle and americana attempts, high mount, get one hand in the collar then go to technical mount for double attack. i will dismount to knee on or side control a lot. From side I move to 45 degrees then attack the kimura/armtriangle/take the back a lot, too.
Improving my ability to take the back is my long term goal, I want to go there from poor and semi dominant positions. From there bow and arrow or ezequiel choke.
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Folks, post your belts, otherwise it's missing context. I know my B&B moves totally changed going from white to blue, and then again from blue to purple.
Y'all have a lot of go to moves. I like tomoe nage and foot sweeps from the feet, overhead sweeps from open guard, 1 leg and full X with basic sweeps, deep half with Faria sweep, knee slice and torreando passing, cross chokes from mount and knee on belly, and bow and arrow chokes from the back. I really like to take the back. That's about it. Purple belt 2 stripes.
Go to sub from top; baseball bat choke.
Go to sub from bottom; probably triangle. Preference for sweep.
Go to sweeps; scissor from closed, old school from half guard, and berimbolo (DLR & RDLR) from open guard.
Go to passing; knee/shin slide variations to the left, and leg drag to the right.

Blue belt.
In gi, my favorite position is side control with a deep crossface and lapel tail fed in. If opp turns away, I take the back. If he blocks KOB, I'll move away from opp's nearside hip to isolate opp's nearside arm for an armlock or look for a stepover choke. Otherwise, I get to KOB where I can use the lapel tail to move to bat, cross, and brabo chokes. Armlock or mount if opp defends all.

Pretty much everything else I do is to get to this position, which that in itself begs for another list of bread and butter moves. And coming up with that list would be hard for me. Purple.
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Top three are probably the uchi mata, scissor sweep and variations, and the spinning armbar.
TDs: single/double leg, duck under
Sweep: berimbolo
Guard: DLR, RDLR, Spider
Subs: armbar, triangle, darce, bow and arrow
Y'all have a lot of go to moves.

There's just too many to choose from.

Cut down list:

Submissions: Armbar, Kimura, Bow and Arrow Choke

Sweeps: Pendulum Sweep, Hook Flip, Hip Bump

Throws: Osoto Gari, Uchi Mata, Ouchi Gari
lol right? I think most people are just listing all the moves they know.

As I was reading this I wasn't sure if I was the most narrow minded purple belt ever or just didn't know Jiu Jitsu....

Sweep: Hook flip from Half guard, or bump to quarter guard and play foward/back depending on weight distribution
Finishes: arm triangles/to sleeve chokes if they turn and paper cutters
- Russian 2 on 1 (to some kind of trip) or single
- Kiss of the Dragon/tornado sweep or waiter sweep/X-guard (working on rekindling my affair with the hook sweep)
- Smash pass/leg drag or esgrima pass
- North-South choke, triangle, side choke, brabo
As I was reading this I wasn't sure if I was the most narrow minded purple belt ever or just didn't know Jiu Jitsu....

Sweep: Hook flip from Half guard, or bump to quarter guard and play foward/back depending on weight distribution
Finishes: arm triangles/to sleeve chokes if they turn and paper cutters

The better I get, the fewer things I actually go for. The only that might have gotten more complex is my open guard and open guard passing, every other aspect of my game has gotten very focused as I've gotten better. And even my open guard game is starting to get narrower as I've chose to really focus in on various ways to get to X and 1 leg X, using those as my primary sweeping positions. Though I do have a weakness for berimbolos, I can't lie.