Your first ever. I seen Blair witch project in theaters ama

I never saw the internet promotions or film previews back when it was in theaters.
Never understood why people wanted to see it so badly.

Then I watched it on VHS on a large screen TV in complete darkness and thought it was overrated as hell.
Yes the ending was creepy, but that only lasted a minute.
You had to sit through 80 minutes of nonsense to get to the scary part.

Blair Witch (2016) is way better
Admit it, you still occasionally do.

I saw it in the theaters. I was 25. What a drag it is getting old.

I'm sorry for the late response, I was busy. 25 years old and I still haven't learned how to change my diaper properly. Others have to do it for me.

I tried to watch it. Walked out of the cinema after about 8 minutes. Shaky dogshit.
I was a teen. 13 Maybe. Legit thought it was real.
Later seen the actors on a MTV awards, Maybe.
Then felt like a fool…
I was in hs I think when it came out, never saw it but everyone around here started thinking the woods were haunted. I caught my fish ever fish at the park it was filmed at when I was a child.
It's not the best horror flick ever, but it's certainly a good one. Used suspense effectively, and slowly built to climax. Didn't rely on cliche jump scares and cheesy CGI. The story itself is good, i.e. three student filmmakers go out into the woods looking for a witch and find one. It also put found footage genre on the map, and was the first film to really utilize the power of the internet to market itself. 8.5/10.
I saw it a few years ago for the first time and thought it was pretty darn good.
I went to see this with my gf at the time and after we went back to her place.
She left the room we were in so I just went and stood in the corner till she came back.
She walked back in the room and freaked the fuck out.
Then got really pissed off at me.
I couldnt stop laughing. She almost threw me out.

This is as funny as fuck