Your thoughts on Savate? Want to take courses.


Nov 27, 2008
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My brother is a high level Savate prize fighter and invited me to his class. I am thinking about joining, but first would like to hear you opinions on this style of kickboxing.
Savate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I like it because injuries are minimal and sparring is very controlled. But you kick with all parts of the shoe and it could really hurt. My brother has a crooked nose and broken rib from the shoes to his face on a regular basis. But again, he is pro. There is no contact at the beginner level for me.

Some cons are that it's apparently it's not as effective street compared to muay thai because no elbows or knees allowed. Also its a french art, so there are guys who wear these gross leotards (one-piece spandex suits that show chest hair). Thankfully wearing those are optional. But still, it looks like a cool sport.

So, should I join Savate? What is your general opinion about it on sherdog?
I've heard of it, dunno anyone who trains in it though. Why not just do muay thai?
My brother is a high level Savate prize fighter
Sounds interesting. Got any video links.

So, should I join Savate?
Why not try it out and see if you like it.
It'd be good to do something not-so-common.
If you are there and have a champion fighter in the family then why not do it. It is a brutal sighting style and demands a lot. Have your brother guide you.
I've heard of it, dunno anyone who trains in it though. Why not just do muay thai?

IMO real Savate is just as viable a kickboxing Art that's applicable to MMA as Muay Thai, it just gets overlooked a lot and is difficult to find genuine teachers of. In fact Savate arguably has some advantages if a person is naturally agile and flexible, it's kind of the counter-balance of Muay Thai's rigidness. Savate blends hand and foot techniques (throwing kicks in the middle of or at the end of punching combinations or vice versa) better than almost any Art I've ever seen, in a way that makes sense for a Ring sport.
I like Savate, I've never done it but it influences me in regards to combos and footwork.
To me, Savate is a great fighting style as long as you fight against other Savate fighters. If you take Savate into an MMA environment, it presents a huge tactical disadvantage. The matches I've seen, the fighters had one leg in the air 90% of the match. They throw more kicks than punches most of the time. The kicks are great. They do a lot of damage, but someone with a BJJ/MMA background wont hesitate to shoot in and go for a take down. I say go for it but incorporate some grappling into your style to avoid getting taken down.
I'd say go for it. It's not like you had anything to lose by trying it.
I think savate looks like a pretty effective art for both mma and the street. Quick hard kicks pretty decent hands and the combos with kicks and punching mixxed in are pretty decent to. Looks like you might need to be pretty fucking flexible though
Thanks for the link CauseImbetta.
I'll have a look at that site.
If i had to choose a kickboxing style for mma, first in the pecking order would muay thai, for the deadly clinch work and proven history of effectiveness in the cage, sanda second because of the added throwing, and finally savate.

Even so, if there were more succesful sanda fighters in mma it would probably be a tie between sanda/muay thai with savate second. Savate would just take the most additions and changes to your game to fit mma. You could certainly still be succesful.

This is not to say savate isnt fucking badass, the pro fighters are gnarly. Takes lots of speed and flexibility but with a champ in your family im sure you'll do fine. He would also make an awesome training partner for you. I say at least try it and see how it fits!
Well, duh, you haven't started training already? Get off the internet and go talk to your brother, man.
Wow, just found this documentary on Savate. Holy crap looks deadly. I like the fact there are kicks below the belt unlike American kickboxing. Plus you wear shoes. LOL.

YouTube - HUMAN WEAPON Savate Boxing 1/5

im half way through these now, and i say go for it man... theres no doubt this shits for real, and if you have a champ in the family i would be all over that
Wouldn't you break your foot if they checked your kick though?

No, because in Savate you wear shoes. It really hurts when they kick you on the legs or ribs. You can check them if you want, but checking them actually hurts the arms as well.
I saw the fight where the guy won with two broken from savate kicks but I was meaning if you transitioned from savate to mma and had to stop wearing the shoes wouldn't you break your foot.
Having watched several Savate matches I can say that there are several sound techniques from Savate that could be integrated into a more effective style, however, on the whole Savate looks embarrassingly girley and weak.

The French are not known for their fierce fighting techniques. I mean, these are the guys who came up with a style just for beating up people with a silly cane. What's next? the ferocious art of slapping people with designer handbags?

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