Your thoughts on this

It's wild how often people will do reprehensible things out of sheer laziness, and barely reframe it. If you utterly abandon someone because they aren't convenient to be around, then fine you don't really give too much of a fuck about that person. That's life, not everyone cares deeply about everyone else. But you don't have to twist every situation into you being the victim. Oh it was hard on my mental health.

You silly bitch, I have severe mental health issues and it would never cross my mind to bail on a sick loved one.
It's wild how often people will do reprehensible things out of sheer laziness, and barely reframe it. If you utterly abandon someone because they aren't convenient to be around, then fine you don't really give too much of a fuck about that person. That's life, not everyone cares deeply about everyone else. But you don't have to twist every situation into you being the victim. Oh it was hard on my mental health.

You silly bitch, I have severe mental health issues and it would never cross my mind to bail on a sick loved one.

I was thinking about this today. Self-centered attention-seeking assholes like the one in this thread seem to have been increasingly using many of the contemporary mental-health/counseling terminology to justify shitty behavior.

"blah blah toxic this, my boundaries that, my anxiety this, mental health that..."

It's like these shit heads take terminology from a different world and try and use them to justify their own shitty actions.

I do a similar thing, but as a joke. When my girlfriend points out I've eaten a bag of chips and a kilogram of dried mango, I'll claim I'm "carb loading" or when I spend all day inside on my computer and eat a pint of ice cream, it's a "cheat day."

Same thing. The concepts of OCD, Anxiety, ADHD, healthy boundaries, attachment styles, narcisism, etc. are all very real things but these are terms that are appropriate for actual professional psychotherapy, and not terms that are appropriate for shitheads complaining about run of the mill tensions between coworkers or family members.
I could have sworn this article has already been posted in the Mayberry

Maybe I'm having Deja vu
What the article doesn’t say was that the victim was a serial cheater who was also a Nazi and hated kittens.*

*not corroborated.
People want to push mental health as a real issue while trying to use it as an excuse to be a loser.

The fact that cunt is proud of what she's doing shows how far gone these mental midgets are

It's such a frustrating situation. When we talk about ending the stigma around mental illness, that's a real thing. There are people who would be massively helped out by lowered social stigma around mental health concerns - particularly among this website's demographic, young and middle aged men. There's a huge suicide problem and a big part of that problem is the stigma that prevents men from accessing help. Lowering this stigma would literally save thousands of lives and improve the lives of countless others.

But, there are absolutely people who are going to take advantage of this. For every person who is able to access help, there is going to be some number of people who take refuge in this new acceptance and justify shitty parenting, absenteeism at work, financial irresponsibility, etc. under the banner of "mental illness."

I think it's probably worth it though. I think people who are looking for opportunities to slack off as described above are likely going to find opportunities to do that no matter what.
I could have sworn this article has already been posted in the Mayberry

Maybe I'm having Deja vu

I seent it, too.
With mah own eyes | I Seent It | Know Your Meme
I was thinking about this today. Self-centered attention-seeking assholes like the one in this thread seem to have been increasingly using many of the contemporary mental-health/counseling terminology to justify shitty behavior.

"blah blah toxic this, my boundaries that, my anxiety this, mental health that..."

It's like these shit heads take terminology from a different world and try and use them to justify their own shitty actions.

I do a similar thing, but as a joke. When my girlfriend points out I've eaten a bag of chips and a kilogram of dried mango, I'll claim I'm "carb loading" or when I spend all day inside on my computer and eat a pint of ice cream, it's a "cheat day."

Same thing. The concepts of OCD, Anxiety, ADHD, healthy boundaries, attachment styles, narcisism, etc. are all very real things but these are terms that are appropriate for actual professional psychotherapy, and not terms that are appropriate for shitheads complaining about run of the mill tensions between coworkers or family members.
A very 1984 style manipulation of language has taken place in the last 15 years or so. Seems like a lot of people wanting to belong to some group or club. And they use language to gaslight people into accepting a lot of really unreasonable behavior in the name of that.

Seems crazy to not even have a shred of humility or empathy that things are really bad for someone else. Even someone you care about. And on top of that while they're down at the lowest point of their life, you can't just lack empathy you have to make it about you so you can get attention because someone else is suffering.
A very 1984 style manipulation of language has taken place in the last 15 years or so. Seems like a lot of people wanting to belong to some group or club. And they use language to gaslight people into accepting a lot of really unreasonable behavior in the name of that.

Seems crazy to not even have a shred of humility or empathy that things are really bad for someone else. Even someone you care about. And on top of that while they're down at the lowest point of their life, you can't just lack empathy you have to make it about you so you can get attention because someone else is suffering.

Well put. I've been moved to physical disgust by reading posts on social media by my family members about "cutting out toxic people" from their lives, establishing severe boundaries for people labelled "narcisist" and other such celebrations of absolute selfishness. I've known the people they are talking about and what seems to really be happening is that when people are in need and express less-than-ideal behaviors because of this need, or even just outright ask for help, then people will not only refuse to help them, they'll actually characterize their refusals to help someone in need as some kind of virtue. Like they've FINALLY stood up for themselves... because they've shut out their grieving aunt or brother with severe depression. That's not a win, you're just being a cunt and then not only not admitting your cuntiness, you're trying to actually celebrate it.
Nothing wrong with this. They weren't married or anything.

There's no commitment with a boyfriend/girlfriend, you can pretty much bail whenever for whatever reason.
That’s some dedication,

I would have started with a half marathon first…
She's a narcissistic piece of shit. Either care enough to be by his side until the end or fully remove yourself from him including anything his name is attached to.

She's such a piece of shit that she had to broadcast what she thought was a virtuous act on her part after excusing her morally questionable act of leaving him in his time of need.

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