Social You're in your 30s, do you have a house or a familly ?

Moved out of parents house at 18.
Married 27
First house 28
First kid 31
2nd kid 33

Now I'm 43. In our 3rd house, having used equity to move up in property value. That's where i think the renters are going to have a hard time. I think i have around a 1/2mil in equity at this point, maybe more in a seller friendly real estate market.

Traveled quite a bit in my 20s.
Not much these days.

Technically I have been to 5 continents if you count Aruba as South America.
I built my house and got married when I was 25. Luckily didn't have any kids before she decided she didn't like being married. She seemed to enjoy getting married because she did that a couple more times.
The people who think they're awesome for being middle aged with no kids are more than likely going to live a pretty sad existence in their elderly years.

People don't realize how long you stay an old ass man for. At some point you stop living for yourself and start living to help others or vicariously through family members.
Yes. Close to 7 figure net worth. 1 child. Debt free outside of the mortgage.

Good job, what do you do?

No to neither, but I dont think a house nessecarily makes sense, Im in a position to rent extremely cheap for a nice place with the GF luckily.
Though i should probably try to marry her and have some kids within the next few years.
Livin in mom’s basement which will be mine when she dies, no kids so I’m pretty rich, got like $300 under my bed and another $50 in my bank and lots of affliction posters and a UFC hot dog brander so I’m doing good
Mid 30s. Owned a house until several months ago when I moved 1,000 miles from home for a job opportunity. My lease ends in June. I hope house prices drop right about then and to be a home owner again in the not too distant future. Never been married or had kids. I don't want kids. I'm not patient enough. I would eventually like to settle down with someone.
I've got four or five house wives waiting outside mouth wide.
Yes to both. (Not to humble brag) I'm pretty much the only one in my family in my generation to have both!

It's actually very rare nowadays for folks under 40 to be married with children and a white picket house. Many in their 30s still live at home with their parents or are renting.
and this sure as hell isn't by choice. Public institutions are physically capable of preparing people for the real world as it exists today but you won't find a single high school offering a class about finance.
got a house and car, no family. got an awesome dog.

not sure I want the family either, just some strange.
Have a family (wife + 2 kids) and owned a condo, sold to buy a house when I moved to the South for work, then sold that house to move back to Cali. Now I rent, but can't wait to buy again when the prices come back to Earth.
30 years old, me and my wife own a house and we have a daughter.

All happened fairly recently though, most of my 20s I was a bum doing open mic comedy attempting to make a career out of it. Now my wife manages a comedy club and I’m making pretty good money doing comedy. Having a good really pushed both of use to take our careers more seriously and it’s worked out for the better.
2nd House (planning an addition)
no kids
Life is going good with the current GF so family should be happening soonish. (37)
I'm guessing at 30s, people aren't financially stable enough and likely putting themselves in risky positions with big debt, living paycheck to paycheck.
Yea, moved abroad at 28 and had a family and home within a few years. Would have been much harder back in the US.