ze/zir/zirs and xe/xem/xyrs

I give it 10 years before white men begin getting fired and socially annihilated for not using the proper pronoun.
I give it 10 years before white men begin getting fired and socially annihilated for not using the proper pronoun.

That will get you fired now.

Try to keep using the correct pronoun on someone who insists they want to be called something special, and see how long you keep your job.
I'm really glad I work on a military base, we haven't dealt with this bullshit yet. utterly ridiculous
Fuck all that noise. I'll use the biologically correct pronouns. This "movement" is a full on parody at this point.

Parody perhaps to the majority who were not trained to think this way when they were children. that is, everyone in human history up until this point..

In order to train people to think in certain ways desirable by the establishment, getting to the children is the most effective strategy.

It is a waste of resources to retrain adults.
I don't mind it, but I would hate to see these become the preferred pronouns. It would make it all the more difficult to identify when someone's having a stroke.
This causes so much agony in the hearts and minds of conservatives that I seriously support such measures.

TBH I think its kind of retarded but I see the value in profoundly rustling retard/rightwing jimmies so degenderation all the way!