Street Harassment in NYC

So a man who finds a woman attractive and who takes initiative in engaging a conversation (mind you without physical contact) is considered harassment? Either this is a troll job or this world is getting more retarded by the minute.

I don't agree with this whole end street harassment movement and I don't consider most of the video as harassment other than the guys who followed her. But I have to disagree with people making the "how else do you approach a woman?" argument. None of those guys actually approached her. If you actually want to engage in conversation with a person on the street, you don't say hi to the back of their head as they're walking by. Especially in a busy city with tons of people. I don't think those guys are harassing her, but I do think they're being pussies.
So a man who finds a woman attractive and who takes initiative in engaging a conversation (mind you without physical contact) is considered harassment? Either this is a troll job or this world is getting more retarded by the minute.

It can be harassment depending on many factors. Imagine being in her shoes and all the people saying those things to you were gay guys. Imagine they said it in the same tone as those men in the video. Wouldn't you feel harassed?
It can be harassment depending on many factors. Imagine being in her shoes and all the people saying those things to you were gay guys. Imagine they said it in the same tone as those men in the video. Wouldn't you feel harassed?

lol this is so fucking stupid. Why would you use gay guys instead of women? You're completely changing the scenario. Straight men would LOVE getting compliments and "catcalled" like this on the streets from women.
lol this is so fucking stupid. Why would you use gay guys instead of women? You're completely changing the scenario. Straight men would LOVE getting compliments and "catcalled" like this on the streets from women.

because a woman catcalling a man is completely nonthreatening and usually welcome. if a bunch of burly gay men did that, it would make hetero men very uncomfortable, and maybe even scared.
because a woman catcalling a man is completely nonthreatening and usually welcome. if a bunch of burly gay men did that, it would make hetero men very uncomfortable, and maybe even scared.

A man catcalling a woman is also nonthreatening and should also be welcomed then. It's only when they get physical or say perverse, violent things that the woman should feel threatened. Saying 'hello' or 'you're beautiful' to a woman is the most nonthreatening thing you could possibly say. And if burly gay men said those things to me I would be perfectly fine as a straight guy with that.
The only parts remotely threatening in that video were the two guys who were walking beside her. But even then neither of them touched her or said anything remotely violent or perverse. Still, I understand how that could make a woman feel uncomfortable. It would make me feel uncomfortable if a couple of female ham planets did the same thing to me. Of course I would have just said I'm not interested, which she didn't because she didn't want to change the narrative she created before she even made this video.
lol this is so fucking stupid. Why would you use gay guys instead of women? You're completely changing the scenario. Straight men would LOVE getting compliments and "catcalled" like this on the streets from women.

It's actually pretty uncomfortable when unattractive chicks catcall you.
A man catcalling a woman is also nonthreatening and should also be welcomed then. It's only when they get physical or say perverse, violent things that the woman should feel threatened. Saying 'hello' or 'you're beautiful' to a woman is the most nonthreatening thing you could possibly say. And if burly gay men said those things to me I would be perfectly fine as a straight guy with that.

When a man double my size takes three quick steps toward me to scream "you're beautiful!" In my face, it's not non-threatening. Nor is it flattering to be berated for being rude when I don't reply to every "hello" I get walking down the street. These men are actually angry i don't stop and appease them. ???

If you think you can analogize by just flipping the gender roles, you're wrong.
I am not surprised. There are a lot of aggressive, ignorant assholes out there.

Not all of those guys were being assholes, or necessarily thought they had a chance with that woman. Some people are just chatty, and think they will make someone's day with a compliment. Others, think the aggressive sleezbag approach will work.

That woman could walk for ten hours in my city and she might get some people saying "hi" or a smile, but only in the shitty areas would people yell stuff, or follow her. Hell, she might even get mistaken as a hooker.
When a man double my size takes three quick steps toward me to scream "you're beautiful!" In my face, it's not non-threatening. Nor is it flattering to be berated for being rude when I don't reply to every "hello" I get walking down the street. These men are actually angry i don't stop and appease them. ???

If you think you can analogize by just flipping the gender roles, you're wrong.

So... saying hello back is now sexism? Is that what you're saying? And none of these men were 'angry'.
So... saying hello back is now sexism? Is that what you're saying? And none of these men were 'angry'.

No, I'm saying I shouldn't have to say hello back. I shouldn't have to worry about the effect of not saying hello. I shouldn't have to look over my shoulder but I actually do. Would you, if you were catcalled?
No, I'm saying I shouldn't have to say hello back. I shouldn't have to worry about the effect of not saying hello. I shouldn't have to look over my shoulder but I actually do. Would you, if you were catcalled?

1. No one is saying you have to say hello back, but many people would consider it rude. At least here in the South where we don't have hissy fits over silly shit like this.

2. Nothing happened to this girl for not saying hello back or not replying to any of the comments made towards her. Nothing violent or threatening was even SAID to her.

3. You only have yourself to blame for living such a paranoid life that you feel the need to constantly look back over your shoulder if a man simply says hello to you or says you're beautiful. Do you wish men and women would simply stop interacting? Or should only interact under very specific circumstances?
1. No one is saying you have to say hello back, but many people would consider it rude. At least here in the South where we don't have hissy fits over silly shit like this.

2. Nothing happened to this girl for not saying hello back or not replying to any of the comments made towards her. Nothing violent or threatening was even SAID to her.

3. You only have yourself to blame for living such a paranoid life that you feel the need to constantly look back over your shoulder if a man simply says hello to you or says you're beautiful. Do you wish men and women would simply stop interacting? Or should only interact under very specific circumstances?

No it is not rude for women to just get on with their day and ignore people who interfere with them. Women should be entitled to go from point A to point B without being constantly way layed by random men and social expectations.

Stop talking about this particular video. You tried to flip the genders. It doesn't work. Men can and do get aggressive when women don't respond. Or, even if we do respond with a polite "sorry, I'm married" we get berated for that, accused of lying. Does that happen to you? Is that an experience men generally experience and if so, is it threatening?

I am not paranoid and no, me looking over my shoulder is not my fault. It is caution. The sum total of my experience with men tells me it's a good idea in some circumstances.
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No it is not rude for women to just get on with their day and ignore people who interfere with them. Women should be entitled to go from point A to point B without being constantly way layed by random men and social expectations.

Oh god. Here we go with the SOCIETY SHOULD BE A PERFECT UTOPIA WHERE NOTHING BAD EVER HAPPENS "argument" again. You're better than this. Or maybe not since you're clearly a feminist.

Stop talking about this particular video. You tried to flip the genders. It doesn't work. Men can and do get aggressive when women don't respond. Or, even if we do respond with a polite "sorry, I'm married" we get berated for that, accused of lying. Does that happen to you? Is that an experience men generally experience and if so, is it threatening?

LOL you want me to stop talking about the video this entire thread is about? Please don't be this dumb. And I never once said women don't face actual street harassment with assholes saying or doing bad shit. Stop trying to straw man me.

What this particular woman faced in that video is not street harassment. Aside from the one guy who silently followed her for 5 minutes or so, no other man did anything remotely threatening or violent or creepy. And flipping the genders does work because no straight man (unless he's a sissy) would have a problem with women saying the things they said in that particular video.

If you want to see a video of true street harassment then go on youtube and look for the video of a girl in Belgium walking around her city much like this woman. THAT girl unfortunately did face real street harassment from obviously muslim men calling her a bitch and a whore just for wearing a dress and walking around in their neighborhood. I'll post it if I can find it.

I am not paranoid and no, me looking over my shoulder is not my fault. It is caution. The sum total of my experience with men tells me it's a good idea in some circumstances.

Yes, you are paranoid. Feeling scared and threatened whenever a man says hello or compliments you is the definition of feminist paranoia. Nothing wrong with both men AND women being cautious when walking alone in a city. But you specifically said a man saying hello or complimenting you makes you paranoid and afraid, which is sad and makes me feel very sorry for you.
When a man double my size takes three quick steps toward me to scream "you're beautiful!" In my face, it's not non-threatening. Nor is it flattering to be berated for being rude when I don't reply to every "hello" I get walking down the street. These men are actually angry i don't stop and appease them. ???

If you think you can analogize by just flipping the gender roles, you're wrong.

I agree that if a man rushes at you and screams in your face, it's threatening. That's not what's happening in the vid, though.
There was a morning months ago I passed by some short, round old lady who said "good morning" to me. Not sexual in any way, just something the older generation do in my area of NYC. I responded with "good morning" but apparently she didn't hear me. She, a bit frustrated, stopped and said "I said 'good morning'"!

That annoyed me a bit but apparently according to some of the logic in this thread, she was harassing me. I don't know how I can go on now.
There was a morning months ago I passed by some short, round old lady who said "good morning" to me. Not sexual in any way, just something the older generation do in my area of NYC. I responded with "good morning" but apparently she didn't hear me. She, a bit frustrated, stopped and said "I said 'good morning'"!

That annoyed me a bit but apparently according to some of the logic in this thread, she was harassing me. I don't know how I can go on now.

It's okay bro. It's not your fault.

I agree that if a man rushes at you and screams in your face, it's threatening. That's not what's happening in the vid, though.

Bob, you're being a sexist rapist right now by not letting her imagine shit that totally didn't happen in the video. So stop it.

There was a morning months ago I passed by some short, round old lady who said "good morning" to me. Not sexual in any way, just something the older generation do in my area of NYC. I responded with "good morning" but apparently she didn't hear me. She, a bit frustrated, stopped and said "I said 'good morning'"!

That annoyed me a bit but apparently according to some of the logic in this thread, she was harassing me. I don't know how I can go on now.

Well I'm glad she didn't say you were handsome. You could have had a nervous breakdown and developed PTSD.
Yes, you are paranoid. Feeling scared and threatened whenever a man says hello or compliments you is the definition of feminist paranoia. Nothing wrong with both men AND women being cautious when walking alone in a city. But you specifically said a man saying hello or complimenting you makes you paranoid and afraid, which is sad and makes me feel very sorry for you.

hmmm... a woman believing feminists when they use inflated rape and violence against women stats makes her paranoid? shocking

walking down the street in constant fear. how empowering.