Official Titanfall Thread

I abandoned it about a month after it came out. My friends that bought it all returned it. It's not a bad game but I could only play a few matches at a time before I got bored with it.

I'd hop on every now and then a few months ago and would still get full games so maybe people still play it, but I'd guess with Destiny, COD, MCC all being out now many people put TF to bed for good.
No. Got rid of it after a few months.

They fucked up on that game. Fun, but way too shallow.

No single player, no true co op mode worth playing.

Straight up rinse and repeat multiplayer matches, "Prestige leveling" also isn't as appealing as it is in Call of Duty for some reason. I just stayed at 50 or whatever and got bored.

Far too few maps, guns, customization options also for a only online shooter.

Halo Master Chief Collection in comparison shits all over Titanfall value and replayability wise.
With the DLC its got some more maps and its fun to play for a quick match here and there. I enjoy it, but its not a super deep game.
I'm still bummed out that they didn't do more with it game mode-wise, especially considering they had AI creeps which could've very well been used in a crazy MoBA-style mode in which two teams fought towards each other's main base in an effort to capture or destroy it. It felt like a huge missed opportunity to me.
EA game it was never getting good post release support

I remember when people gave it a lukewarm reception a ton of people of the message you boarss were preaching to just wait for patches and DLC to make the game amazing
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Wait, did I just read that right? FPS GTA V?!
I remember when people were shitting on me when I was saying it wasn't deep enough before it came out.
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Unfortunately, game was crap. I noticed in about 1 hour during the beta that this game was boring and repetitive. It just lacked something. I liked chubz idea about how this game coulda gone. As it were, the ai in mp was fukin shit on an epic level.
I want my money back. This game SUCKS. Literally the game consist of me spawning and getting instakilled. I am new to FPS (competitive onlone play) - learning curve is wayyy to steep. Lack of single player is retarded too. Wish I wouldn't have bought this crap
it's ok with a price drop but at it's release the thought for paying full price for half <or less> of a game really pissed me off and i felt by buying it i would have sent the message 'yes, its ok to release a game with very little actual content to me for full price.' IMO early access scams have done enough damage already on that front.
I want my money back. This game SUCKS. Literally the game consist of me spawning and getting instakilled. I am new to FPS (competitive onlone play) - learning curve is wayyy to steep. Lack of single player is retarded too. Wish I wouldn't have bought this crap
Yeah, bro, online PvP is the wolves. If you've never competed online before, then it's going to be a STEEP learning curve because you've never reached proficiency before in general play. Unless you have a lot of free time I don't recommend online PvP. The bulk of online PvPers are hardcore gamers who spend like 4+ hours a day doing nothing but playing PvP in that game. Unless you have a lot of time to sink into a game, then you're never going to be anything but the easy meal that these guys are looking for to feel like they're pro (many don't like playing ranked PvP where the easy meals are eliminated from the equation, and they have to face nothing but other players of roughly equal strength).

I always like SP because I use it as a "calibration stage" to get a feel for the gameplay and controls before I step into PvP. This way I don't have to learn while running. So yeah, no SP in Titanfall is a boner. At least they should have a "training area" like Perfect Dark back in the day: a shooting range with challenges, practice the PvP stages against sims with varying numbers and difficulty levels, etc.
I want my money back. This game SUCKS. Literally the game consist of me spawning and getting instakilled. I am new to FPS (competitive onlone play) - learning curve is wayyy to steep. Lack of single player is retarded too. Wish I wouldn't have bought this crap

Id love to see you try CS:GO for your reaction.
I want my money back. This game SUCKS. Literally the game consist of me spawning and getting instakilled. I am new to FPS (competitive onlone play) - learning curve is wayyy to steep. Lack of single player is retarded too. Wish I wouldn't have bought this crap

Last Titan standing might be more fun for you. Give it a try later.
so the game sucks because your not good at it, right.

I got it when it came out and I am not an FPS person(borderlands is about it) and yeah i got whipped but then you learn. I enjoy the game the new modes and maps are fun and once you get up in some levels and unlock the perks and such you will start to enjoy it if you but in the time.

the campaign mode is pretty straightforward and a good way to get use to the game, yes you will die but you will learn. If you are running around the middle of a map you will never have any fun, you need to run around and jump off buildings and hide from time to time never EVER stand still( crouched down is ok).
so the game sucks because your not good at it, right.

I got it when it came out and I am not an FPS person(borderlands is about it) and yeah i got whipped but then you learn. I enjoy the game the new modes and maps are fun and once you get up in some levels and unlock the perks and such you will start to enjoy it if you but in the time.

the campaign mode is pretty straightforward and a good way to get use to the game, yes you will die but you will learn. If you are running around the middle of a map you will never have any fun, you need to run around and jump off buildings and hide from time to time never EVER stand still( crouched down is ok).

The game sucks because in order to be halfway decent at it, you have to put a fuckton of hours into it. I agree w madmicks assessment of it. Lack of SP takes away the incremental approach to mastery. That tutorial they give is not enough. Then you play the game and you cant do shit. Im not gonna put a few hundred hours into titanfall, it loses my interest after like 10 minutes.

So yeah, the game sucks. A good game can be fun casually. Shouldnt have to be a hardcore FPS player to enjoy a game.

Halo is a good example. Call of duty too. Gears of war, etc. Good SP and good MP.
titanfail ugh. Wish i could get my 25 dollars back
it's ok with a price drop but at it's release the thought for paying full price for half <or less> of a game really pissed me off and i felt by buying it i would have sent the message 'yes, its ok to release a game with very little actual content to me for full price.' IMO early access scams have done enough damage already on that front.

I bought it price dropped. Still feel like i wasted 25. Its not a lot of money, just the principle of it..buying a product that didnt fulfill its purpose (entertainment). My kwn fault. Should have rented it to try out b4 i bought.