Who are some of your favorite Rock bands from 2000 to present?

Audioslave and Deftones

I can't think of anymore at the moment.
I haven't listened to this album yet, but Rishloo's previous efforts were great. Unless they completely shit the bed this time, I'm giving them my esteemed seal of approval.

i was always surprised and disappointed that My Vitriol didn't make it big, great band:

Arctic Monkeys, The Strokes, Muse, Rammstein.
What I DON'T get into are the "brutal" Death and Black metal bands with growly vocals.
Not even this?

I don't particularly like cookie monster vocals, but some bands do it well and create the right ambiance.
I thought Diamond Eyes was their best album.

Overall one of the more impressive bodies of work that I can think of.

I have loved The Deftones since the 90's. I have never heard anyone say that about them. Usually they hate their later work. I love it all but still, the good ol days of around the fur were the best. :icon_chee

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I am fairly clueless about modern music. But I would recommend listening to:

Gogol Bordello. Possibly the best live band I have seen.

The Decemberists.

The Zutons.
No Foo Fighters fans?

To be honest, I don't even know their music. They are just generic top 40 crappy pop-rock. The last song I remember from them was the mentos song. I know that Dave Grohl made big money, so good for him. Pretty sure he feels stupid peddling shitty music. But rich.
I have loved The Deftones since the 90's. I have never heard anyone say that about them. Usually they hate their later work. I love it all but still, the good ol days of around the fur were the best. :icon_chee

I love how they've grown as a band. As my musical tastes have matured so has their sound. Probably why they're my favorite band of all time. As much as I love Adrenaline and Around the Fur, it would have gotten old if they'd just kept cranking out albums that sounded like them.
To be honest, I don't even know their music. They are just generic top 40 crappy pop-rock. The last song I remember from them was the mentos song. I know that Dave Grohl made big money, so good for him. Pretty sure he feels stupid peddling shitty music. But rich.

Sure they have a lot of silly/commercial music (which I find entertaining) but to say that all of it is shit is wrong. Listen to "Come alive". I think the song shows well that Grohl isnt just fooling around but puts his soul in it.
No Foo Fighters fans?

Was going to say this. Foo Fighters is the only modern rock band I like. Other than that I mostly listen to 80's rock and metal and a few 90's bands. 2000's rock sucks ass.
To be honest, I don't even know their music. They are just generic top 40 crappy pop-rock. The last song I remember from them was the mentos song. I know that Dave Grohl made big money, so good for him. Pretty sure he feels stupid peddling shitty music. But rich.

You fucking kidding me? Grohl is the only person keeping rock alive (at least mainstream rock).
I've always liked the band Hurt. "Rapture" was their first song I heard and I liked them ever since.

The lead singer was actually a violin player before the band and the first CD includes a lot of violin. It was interesting watching him live both playing violin and singing.
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Incubus, queens of the stone age, tomahawk.

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