Mayweather/Pacquiao PPV Discussion/PBP

I like how the guy interviewing Pac had no problem speaking his mind and really grilling him.
Kellerman putting words in his mouth and Manny doesn't speak english well enough to properly express himself.
Stop this interview please.
Well, at least I can sleep well knowing I didn't spend shit and won $100 on the fight. One could say I got paid for watching this, but it wasn't nearly enough. What a boring sport.
LOL Manny looks like he has no marks on him...Floyd looks like he has no marks on him.

I guess both guys are sweaty...that's somethin.
all Floyd did was move around and do absolutely nothing. Lay and praying boxing style? Really that shit was boring as fuck.. if people are so confident why didnt he fight him 5 years ago when manny challenged him ?

He waited until Manny was too slow to beat him in a race ahaha
It's true Pac landed the better punches. Aggressor the whole time.

But Floyd stop won. Weird scorecard.
when all you do is insult someone to get your point across then your point is obviously not worth defending. So i say this to you sir.

You mad bro?

I just pointed out that someone might not be smart enough to understand science. I guess you aren't smart enough to argue against that.

So that's why you're spending your time arguing MMA instead of watching the alleged fight of the century? You're not fooling anyone, we all saw how boring this was.

Lol @ you thinking people can't multitask lmao