Why is Satanism bad?

do yourseelf a favor and visit thier FAQ...

they dont believe in imaginay daddy either from above or below.

An atheist and a satanist is not one in the same. All they're doing is twisting things around because satanism scares away too many people. So they change their doctrine around to make it more inviting while still accomplishing their goals.
No problem with satanism as long as they donate to charity causes
What you're saying seems to imply that you cannot have faith in more than one entity. You think Christians can't empower and have faith in their abilities while also worshiping God?

None of what you've said explains why you need to be a satanists in order to empower yourself either. Is this something you can't do on your own?

Why do you have deities in your av if that's not a thing in satanism?

I don't need an all mighty deity as source of power who purposely corrupted man so he could be saved. If you have to put faith in something, put it somewhere it counts the most. Yourself. Not in other areas that bear no fruit.

There are no deities in my av.

Baphomet represents the sum total of the universe. The arms bear the Latin words taking power from god unto yourself.
What's wrong with it?

Satanism espouses empowerment for the individual and doesn't take what the Church says for granted. Here...

"each individual is his or her own god [and that] there is no room for any other god". Adherents instead see the character of Satan as an archetype of pride, carnality, liberty, enlightenment, undefiled wisdom, and of a cosmos which Satanists perceive to be motivated by a "dark evolutionary force of entropy that permeates all of nature and provides the drive for survival and propagation inherent in all living things".

Top level Freemasons are Satanists. We could have a Satanist president, it wouldn't matter. Believing in any religion anyway is mumbo-jumbo without facts.

Worship power, don't be a slave to symbolism and mediocrity.

If you have to ask, you're already his puppet.
An atheist and a satanist is not one in the same. All they're doing is twisting things around because satanism scares away too many people. So they change their doctrine around to make it more inviting while still accomplishing their goals.

dude, your too hang up on the satanist crap, they give 2 fucks about that, they are explicitly telling people that they do not believe in anything super natural, those guys the ones you are referring are devil worshipers, not satanist, at least not these guys. Its all marketing.

go to their website and visit the faq question.
Haha heaven is Gayer than Castro street.

Cuz of the rainbow?

You know that rainbow is from Genesis 9:13, right? Long before it was a gay "pride" symbol.

Google much, Brah!?
Cuz of the rainbow?

You know that rainbow is from Genesis 9:13, right? Long before it was a gay "pride" symbol.

Google much, Brah!?

Why does Jesus look like Cesare Borgia?
It's just atheists who have a void from the lack of community and solidarity other religions have, so they made a name up to try to get people to give a shit about them. My lack of religion didn't leave a void in me so I don't crave the attention enough to go to "gatherings" in the dark with a bunch of homos with ponytails(or shaved head) and creepy facial hair lighting candles and casting spells. If you guys really want to be "shocking" and "mysterious", you should take that shit to pretty much any Muslim country and have fun getting gassed, beheaded, or thrown off a building.
All you need to know about Satanism is that it places a human's will at the center of their ethical system.

And if it doesn't want to be associated with mythological figures, why call it "Satanism"?

Why not "materialism" or Nietzschean ethics?

Yeah, didn't I say in my first post it embraced humanity?

Maybe it does want to be associated with mythological figures. But that's hardly the same as believing that figure exists and "worshiping" it. I'm under the impression Satan was invoked due to the philosophy being a complete rejection of Christianity.

Or it just sounds much cooler than Nietzschean blah blah. :icon_evil
John 8 NIV
42 Jesus said to them, “If God were your Father, you would love me, for I have come here from God. I have not come on my own; God sent me. 43 Why is my language not clear to you? Because you are unable to hear what I say. 44 You belong to your father, the devil, and you want to carry out your father’s desires. He was a murderer from the beginning, not holding to the truth, for there is no truth in him. When he lies, he speaks his native language, for he is a liar and the father of lies.

well I counter with a verse from The Book of Satan, Chapter II:

6.No creed must be accepted upon authority of a "divine" nature. Religions must beput
to the question. No moral dogma must be taken for granted -
no standard of measurement deified. There is nothing inherently sacred about moral codes. Like the wooden idols of long ago, they are the work of human hands, and what man has made, man can destroy!
7.He that is slow to believe anything and everything is of great understanding, for belief in one false principle is the beginning of all unwisdom

your move, playboy.
Why does Jesus look like Cesare Borgia?

Why does satan look like a goat procreated with a street bum?

They're just depictions, Brah...

If anything, satan is described as the most beautiful of the angels.
Yeah, didn't I say in my first post it embraced humanity?

Maybe it does want to be associated with mythological figures. But that's hardly the same as believing that figure exists and "worshiping" it. I'm under the impression Satan was invoked due to the philosophy being a complete rejection of Christianity.

Or it just sounds much cooler than Nietzschean blah blah. :icon_evil

Bold: Many objectively awful ideologies claim to "embrace humanity". The Communist party newspaper in France that shilled for Stalin was called L'Humanite. That means exactly zero about whether they have good ethics, good aesthetics or some sort of teleo-functional lifestyle for their adherents.

Red: That is very close to a total rejection of Christianity, but I'd humbly posit that nothing dynamic and real comes out of rejection. Getting beyond that kind of emotionalism and inversion is when you actually get somewhere. As it is, naming it "Satanism" is liked yelling "fuck you dad!".
I don't need an all mighty deity as source of power who purposely corrupted man so he could be saved.

But you don't believe in God or Jesus. At least according to another poster.

If you have to put faith in something, put it somewhere it counts the most. Yourself. Not in other areas that bear no fruit.

Again, you're making this false assumption that those who believe in God can't empower their selves at the same time. Also, for many faith in God does bear fruit. If their beliefs grants them a greater sense of well being who are you to judge?

Baphomet represents the sum total of the universe. The arms bear the Latin words taking power from god unto yourself.

Taking power from something you believe doesn't exist.

Again, if you don't need to look to anything for power why not call yourself an atheist? Only atheist are truly on their own. At least have the balls to put your real views out there. The only reason to identify as a satanist instead of atheist is because you believe both to exist and you want to despise God.
So there are two types of satanism - atheistic and theistic? I just assumed that satanism was the worshiping of the devil. After reading this thread, it doesn't appear so.
dude, your too hang up on the satanist crap, they give 2 fucks about that, they are explicitly telling people that they do not believe in anything super natural, those guys the ones you are referring are devil worshipers, not satanist, at least not these guys. Its all marketing.

go to their website and visit the faq question.

The real devil worshippers are modern day Christians who worship idols and observe Sabbath on Sunday, thus basing their faith on heretical teachings.
Bold: Many objectively awful ideologies claim to "embrace humanity". The Communist party newspaper in France that shilled for Stalin was called L'Humanite. That means exactly zero about whether they have good ethics, good aesthetics or some sort of teleo-functional lifestyle for their adherents.

Red: That is very close to a total rejection of Christianity, but I'd humbly posit that nothing dynamic and real comes out of rejection. Getting beyond that kind of emotionalism and inversion is when you actually get somewhere. As it is, naming it "Satanism" is liked yelling "fuck you dad!".

It sounds like you're now contradicting yourself when you said "All you need to know about Satanism is that it places a human's will at the center of their ethical system." Or you're moving the discussion in a direction I'm not grasping.

If you want to debate "good" or "bad" ethics then go ahead and make a case.

Call it what you want. People rejecting bad ideas doesn't sound so unreasonable to me. Equal rights for women in Muslim countries wouldn't satisfy your image of real or dynamic? If all you focus on is the name (Satanism) then you're most likely missing the big picture. But since I'm not involved in the organization, nor have I actively practiced the philosophy, I don't know what else to add. Near as I can tell these folks are in it to better maximize their individual human existence rather than create some power structure to control behavior on a wide scale by dictating "morality" and dominating politics.
But you don't believe in God or Jesus. At least according to another poster.

Again, you're making this false assumption that those who believe in God can't empower their selves at the same time. Also, for many faith in God does bear fruit. If their beliefs grants them a greater sense of well being who are you to judge?

Taking power from something you believe doesn't exist.

Again, if you don't need to look to anything for power why not call yourself an atheist? Only atheist are truly on their own. At least have the balls to put your real views out there. The only reason to identify as a satanist instead of atheist is because you believe both to exist and you want to despise God.

I judge no-one. You are free to believe in and do anything you like.
So there are two types of satanism - atheistic and theistic? I just assumed that satanism was the worshiping of the devil. After reading this thread, it doesn't appear so.

It's usually worship of the will and the individual more than an actual being, from my understanding (though I don't know that much about it). Lots of anti-Christian iconography certainly. Just Google 'left hand path' if you're really curious.
dude, your too hang up on the satanist crap, they give 2 fucks about that, they are explicitly telling people that they do not believe in anything super natural, those guys the ones you are referring are devil worshipers, not satanist, at least not these guys. Its all marketing.

go to their website and visit the faq question.

You cannot tell me that the church of the devil does not believe the devil exists. Some of these churches even have statues of the devil. All of their propaganda are lies, the devil is all about lies. What else do you expect from them.
lol so this forum makes fun of Christians but satanist is cool? yea that makes sense

It's merely a reflection of society, where we are tired of artificial norms of Christianity based on self-serving lies.
That one would rather serve the ego than surrender it to purification because it seems a loss of self is a misunderstanding. Ego and self are not the same thing, and self is not lost.
Why does satan look like a goat procreated with a street bum?

This is the attempt of Abrahamic religions to scare the masses to only follow their teachings. The brainwashed masses are taught that anything not Christian tradition is evil. Yet there is so much inherent evil in the bible, such as killing for eating certain food or doing certain things.

The goat came from paganism where they would worship goats. Christians, with their vivid imagination took the goat and applied it to the devil. This is the way priests would show the masses that paganism is bad and Christianity is good.
You cannot tell me that the church of the devil does not believe the devil exists. Some of these churches even have statues of the devil. All of their propaganda are lies, the devil is all about lies. What else do you expect from them.

its not the church of the devil, is the chuch of satan and if they are telling you that they do not believe in any mumbo jombo crap, they do not, simply as that.
This past Halloween weekend ACHERON founder Vincent Crowley performed a Satanic wedding in a small town in the state of Michigan. The unholy union rite went great and everyone thought all was well. Then when the legal papers were being filed with the clerk the women said she couldn’t recognize the marriage as legal because Crowley wrote “Satanic Priest” as his title on the documents. Needless to say lawyers were called in before they could actually deny the couple’s right to be wed by a Satanic individual. In the end the county had no legs to stand on and had to grant the couple approval of their wedding vows as legal. In fact, this may indeed be the only known Satanic wedding in this town. So hails to the bride and groom! Hail Satanic Victory!

Ad Maiorem Satanae Gloriam!

I wonder if you could build a civilization based on Satanism for the masses, or if it would fall apart.
You cannot tell me that the church of the devil does not believe the devil exists. Some of these churches even have statues of the devil. All of their propaganda are lies, the devil is all about lies. What else do you expect from them.

theyre just symbols, fully aware of the fact they were created by Christians themselves to demonize opponents.

Satanists do not believe in the supernatural, and the "worship" of Satan is a celebration of rejecting organized religion.
Check out this Acheron interview where Bob Larson tries to slander Satanism and he gets fucking owned

its not the church of the devil, is the chuch of satan and if they are telling you that they do not believe in any mumbo jombo crap, they do not, simply as that.

Where are you from? Satan is just another word for the devil. You're right though I'll just believe everything that's fed to me, despite evidence to the contrary. I believe everything politicians tell me too. They have no reason to lie.
James Mason has been a huge inspiration to me after watching this video and it goes to show Satanism is not for the Liberal Leftist weaklings.

Carny Televangelist Bob Larson Interviews Nationalist Socialist revolutionary James Mason

It isn't. http://thesatanictemple.com/about-us/tenets

There are seven fundamental tenets.
1.One should strive to act with compassion and empathy towards all creatures in accordance with reason.
2.The struggle for justice is an ongoing and necessary pursuit that should prevail over laws and institutions.
3.One’s body is inviolable, subject to one’s own will alone.
4.The freedoms of others should be respected, including the freedom to offend. To willfully and unjustly encroach upon the freedoms of another is to forgo your own.
5.Beliefs should conform to our best scientific understanding of the world. We should take care never to distort scientific facts to fit our beliefs.
6.People are fallible. If we make a mistake, we should do our best to rectify it and resolve any harm that may have been caused.
7.Every tenet is a guiding principle designed to inspire nobility in action and thought. The spirit of compassion, wisdom, and justice should always prevail over the written or spoken word
Some other interviews this carny televangelist Bob Larson has done

Church of Satan - Bob Larson Interviews Zeena Lavey And Nikolas Schreck

Bob Larson Interviews Zeena and Nikolas Schreck (Second Interview, 1997)

Exorcist Bob Larson confronts Necrobutcher death metal musician

Bob Larson interviews Boyd Rice in all five sessions of Talk Back. They discuss a number of topics including Satanism, Fascism, Serial Killers and more.

This shit sounds like Vanity in the highest degree.
That alone is a turn-off.
Humanism is not inherently selfish the way Satanism is. That's the big difference. If anything, Satanism is a form of religious Objectivism. Worship of the individual and the will to power.

Thanks for clarifying.