Amy Schumer accused of joke theft, could be another Mencia incident.

Well, speaking or rape culture...

Did that bitch way up there in the OP just equate having a joke stolen to being forcefully penetrated by a penis against your will?

I feel like they're not quite the same.

Not really, I think it was more a case of "This bitch keeps fucking me over". It was a standard joke about that kind of stuff. Sort of like if something is a rip off, you say "It costs that much? Are you at least gonna give me a reach around whilst you fuck me?"
I thought the worst thing about her, besides that she's the new flavor of the month for everybody to be shitting themselves over, is that she's not funny.
Sucks if she's stealing material.

The funny thing is, when you watch some of the people who defend her, they're either her team of writers (She's had at least 17 writers for Inside Amy Schumer... it's okay that she calls it that, but don't mention it), or they're comics who she will put in her stuff (or want to put their stuff in her... I am so sorry.)
Will Joe Rogan call her out?
Well, she isn't funny anyways so I guess a ho's gotta do whatta ho gotta do
I need more info.

Nothing really, it was a "Yeah, so I keep hearing that Amy Schumer has been stealing jokes". And that was it. The difference between Amy and Carlos Mencia is that Amy is in Rogan's group of comedian friends, like Patrice, Colin Quinn, Jim Norton, Bill Burr etc.
I'd have to hear more than just a small throwaway joke like that. I've written stand up before and sometimes you come up with an idea and jot it down. Then later on you're telling your buddy about it and he lets you know that he's heard that joke before from some other comic. It's not really joke stealing since it didn't come to you in the form of a memory, but rather an idea. It's really easy to do with small jokes like that. It's basically just your brain unknowingly screwing you over. If it was a longer bit with more information in it, at that point it gets kind of sketchy.
Well, speaking or rape culture...

Did that bitch way up there in the OP just equate having a joke stolen to being forcefully penetrated by a penis against your will?

I feel like they're not quite the same.

Well, raping in a way is stealing something. I can totally see the correlation there.
I'd have to hear more than just a small throwaway joke like that. I've written stand up before and sometimes you come up with an idea and jot it down. Then later on you're telling your buddy about it and he lets you know that he's heard that joke before from some other comic. It's not really joke stealing since it didn't come to you in the form of a memory, but rather an idea. It's really easy to do with small jokes like that. It's basically just your brain unknowingly screwing you over. If it was a longer bit with more information in it, at that point it gets kind of sketchy.

I think it's Kathleen Madigan who said that she's actually got someone working on a video on just the stuff she's stolen from her.
Most every comedian "steals" to a certain extent. I can't fucking stand Amy Schumer, but unless she's literally quoting another comedian's bit word for word, she ain't stealing. They all do it, and the only time any of them complain about it, is when the accused becomes more successful than their accusers.

The biggest crime these supposed "joke thieves" ever committed, was getting famous.
I think it's Kathleen Madigan who said that she's actually got someone working on a video on just the stuff she's stolen from her.

I'd definitely be interested in watching that. It'll probably change my opinion. I just need to see more than a short one liner.
So many people say she's hilarious but she does nothing for me.
Most every comedian "steals" to a certain extent. I can't fucking stand Amy Schumer, but unless she's literally quoting another comedian's bit word for word, she ain't stealing. They all do it, and the only time any of them complain about it, is when the accused becomes more successful than their accusers.

The biggest crime these supposed "joke thieves" ever committed, was getting famous.

I don't think that's true at all. There's tons of unique content out there, unless you consider vague topics to be joke stealing like "racial humor" or "gun rights" or "food jokes", "political humor", etc.

Whether you like Rogan as a comedian or not is one thing, but you certainly can't accuse him of stealing jokes. Jim Gaffigan, Bill Burr, etc.
I would steal joke too if i wasn't funny. Too bad it didn't really help her either. She just can't win.
I don't think that's true at all. There's tons of unique content out there, unless you consider vague topics to be joke stealing like "racial humor" or "gun rights" or "food jokes", "political humor", etc.

Whether you like Rogan as a comedian or not is one thing, but you certainly can't accuse him of stealing jokes. Jim Gaffigan, Bill Burr, etc.

That's called "Parallel Thinking". Where there's a subject matter which a lot of comedians will hit upon. For example, Jared Fogel from Subway (although, I saw Social Justice Warrior comedians... just typing that made my skin crawl... saying "No, you can't make that joke, it's off limits), plenty of comedians made jokes about it. Usually involving "Six inches.. with extra cheese".

However, Mencia's "Hi Mom" joke, that's straight up thievery.

Didn't really care until I got to the part where she stole from Patrice O'Neal. Let the man and his jokes rest in peace.

I've never laughed at a single thing Schumer has said.