Mcgregoat:"I feel like I can take down them three gold belts before the year ends"

WoW, WW,LW,FW champion before the end of this year will prove not only that Mcgregor is the mma goat, but also the goat of all combat sports. A three division champion at the same time. I don't think that mma fandom deserves such a fighter.

Pacquiao was champion at 8 divisions. Not at the same time but still, you have to be insane to consider Conor a "goat" of combat sports over Pacquiao (who is not GOAT either) alone...

This guy

vs this guy

Why stop at WW? I'm sure he can beat The MW, LHW and HW champs as well. Conor's striking is elite and if he lands that left they're all going down.

Signed, anonymous delusional Conor fan

Can't wait till RDA puts an end to this fuckery.
Pacquiao was champion at 8 divisions. Not at the same time but still, you have to be insane to consider Conor a "goat" of combat sports over Pacquiao (who is not GOAT either) alone...

This guy

vs this guy

mma>>>> a sport where you only can punch
you are right... beating midgets doesn't present any interest for him anymore.
Frankie's actually the biggest threat to Conor right now. If Conor were to lose to a "midget", he'd have nowhere to go and it would be over. Frankie's a tough fight for Conor. He's fast, hits hard, great wrestling, insane cardio and has a great chin.

If Conor loses to Dos Anjos, well, it's not his original weight class and he lost to a bigger guy and blah blah blah, lots of other excuses. He could then return to FW to continue to be relevant there.

Conor essentially has to "duck" Frankie now to try and make this multi division thing work.
Pacquiao was champion at 8 divisions. Not at the same time but still, you have to be insane to consider Conor a "goat" of combat sports over Pacquiao (who is not GOAT either) alone...

Well 1 UFC division probably contains 5 of boxings. Pacquiao could break two in MMA and nothing more if he was as suited for this sport as he is for boxing, it's not fair to compare. But I do agree that Manny is still ahead based simply on his record even if it's extremely weird to put them side to side.
Mcgregor at mw? Nah, mcgregor selling his fight with dos anjos by saying he's gonna be a 3,weight champion - yea, euros, dollars, he's not arsed about the belts, he's arsed about breaking the ppv, the Gate and he will literally sell his arse doing so
mma>>>> a sport where you only can punch

People want to see punching and not UFC cage wrestling. That's why Pacquiao earnt much more money than Conor and could actually buy Conor and use him as a personal punching bag if he wanted.

Pride was the only true version of MMA with cool rules that allowed real fighting and not this pointfighting and lay and pray wrestling. Why would I want to see two men rolling around wearing nothing but Reebok cycling shorts?
Robbie wins this one for me. The man is an animal.
Well 1 UFC division probably contains 5 of boxings.

Pacquiao won titles at 112, 122, 126, 130, 135, 140, 147 and 154.

He had to beat the top guys in those divisions. If UFC had that many divisions and the talent pool of boxing Conor would have to beat more guys that are heavier than him and not just two guys who happen to suit him stylistically. Assuming that he actually does it anyway
WoW, WW,LW,FW champion before the end of this year will prove not only that Mcgregor is the mma goat, but also the goat of all combat sports. A three division champion at the same time. I don't think that mma fandom deserves such a fighter.

He would only be goat if he beat GSP at WW. Penn almost did. And let's be honest penn is a natural FW not a natural LW like Conor.
To be the true goat that would hold the test of Time for a 100 years+. He needed a GSP win.

All this talk doesn't matter, do you realize what carlos condit would do to Conor? No way Conor beats someone like condit. Maybe Conor can get the left overs on Robbie's chin since it's been taking a beating for awhile now.
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It's quite obvious he will do well at WW. LW is probably his most preferabke division, however he was able to make the cut to FW through dedication and hard work and win the belt.

WW will be no different as long as he puts on 10 or so pounds, he will fight at WW with no problems. Are people already forgetting WW champions like GSP and Hendricks and even Lawler are all around 5'9" with similar reaches?

What makes you think WW is out of reach? Is it because no one has ever won 3 belts at 3 weight classes before? Records are there to be broken and this will be the first time it will be done but I do assure you I see more fighters being capable of doing this feat in the near future.
This might as well be actual footage of Lawler eating McGregor's left hand.


And then laughing at him.