Who Here Has The Balls To Post A Pic of Their Girl?



Me and my girl
Here are my last three girlfriends



Half of these cans haven't seent a vagina in years and you're talking about girlfriends lulz.
Debating on posting pic of some bitch ass ho who gave me several bj's years ago.
April 15th came and went, and my fiancé lost her fight with alcohol. I'm in school, I've stayed clean, and I try my best to keep moving forward but I know I'm alone for a reason. I lost most of my friends after my mind started to dissentigrate. Now, all I think about is wishing I fell in Iraq and was immortalized in my youthful image as a hero to my family. Not the broken shell that kept on way too long. I loved that woman more than anything in my life, and she's gone. I feel like I'm Liam neeson in the Grey. I think that if I have one last fight left in me, as a former sniper, is out there. Letting nature reclaim me and returning me to oblivion. If I had the power i would free you all from pain and use my soul to feed you each god's happiness. Farewell old friends.

Mr Mod sir

I am on dubs. Can my post on the top of this pf 48 be deleted or my quote removed upon user request.

I would edit but I can't. Thanks.