Donald Cerrone: "Cormier is the Worst Fighter Ever".

DC - "well YOU get in there and stand and trade with Anderson Silva"

I hated DCs performance too but I see his point of view
Poor choice of word on Cerrone's part but I imagine his vocabulary is quite limited. It doesn't take a SJW to realize times have changed and that word is unacceptable no matter the context.
I agree, the referees should stand them up way more.
A man's man is an idiotic drunken racist with piss poor money management skills, that has to fight perpetually 'cause he keeps going broke? Yeahhh, you idiots think he fights that much because he is a 'warrior!' Hahaha! Jones has done himself no favors, but Cerrone is a joke, period. People that talk that 'keepin' it real, and 'says what he means' shit, just like to excuse the fact they are pricks and gravitate towards pricks.

I didn't say he wasn't a prick, but pricks make waves in life. Timid beta's don't.
I wonder if it's one of those unwritten rules that everyone just follows because it feels dirty? Otherwise, like you said, this would be an extremely effective move.

I'm surprised Jon Jones never used it, along with the other two things he does.
I don't see how anyone could find it dirty though?
I would take a good cerrone fight over what I saw lesnar and cormier do saturday. Gotta love him speaking his mind.
Man.. DC is definitely up there in the top 5 fighters today.
COWboy you are a COWard... go say that to Cormiers face!. what a disrespectful big show flopper. Cormier has been in many exciting fights and is the champ.
DC did fight boringly but tbf to him I'd have done the same thing in his position. If he decided to stand and strike with Silva it would be a more entertaining fight and he'd probably still win but it would increase Silva's chances from zero to slim, why take an unnecessary risk like that with little upside? If he lost that he'd never live it down, just grind out a safe boring win and take the money, screw the haters.
People can stick up for Cormier all they want. The fact is, if everyone fought like Cormier in the UFC, it would have gone bankrupt by now. People like Chuck, Anderson, BJ and Jon Jones came to actually fight which is what sells tickets and PPVs.
DC did fight a safe and boring fight but cant really blame him. Dont wanna lose to a short notice opponent as dangerous as Silva can be.

It looked like if Jones was clean and fought that night he wouldve beat DC decisively again
Found the quotes

Cerrone: "What about the worst fight?"

CM Punk: "The worst fight?"

Cerrone: "Your boy, DC. Terrible!"

CM Punk: "What?"

Cerrone: "Terrible. How are you going to give up weight and then fight like a f*g, man?"

These are the only ones I find without watching the video. So did he actually call Dc the worst FIGHTER ever or did he say that was the worst FIGHT ever
Cerrone is just learning to play the game. IE: Talking his way into prominence and higher paydays.

Last month he was whining about how the UFC doesn't care about him because they paid him shit. Now he starts talking mad shit about the LHW Champion. Coincidence? No. He's just trying to get noticed.