Donald Cerrone: "Cormier is the Worst Fighter Ever".

Are you in 10th grade? A lot of guys could beat him or me up. If you look up to Cerrone as a some ubermensch you should be embarrassed. He is as low brow as they come. He has no redeeming qualities.

Sounds like a bunch of haters to me.
Sounds like a bunch of haters to me.

As previous post said, this guy is like fuckin Kid Rock or the bumpkin from the Simpsons. If those are your kind of guys, that's on you. They are lame as fuck to intelligent people.
As previous post said, this guy is like fuckin Kid Rock or the bumpkin from the Simpsons. If those are your kind of guys, that's on you. They are lame as fuck to intelligent people.

I don't give a damn about Cerrone or what he does. But yall sound like a bunch of jealous females.
And yet he's way better than Cerrone will ever be.
Cerrone seems to be constantly thinking: "What can I say to make the people like me?"
Hard to believe Donald would go this far, even on a 12 pack. It almost seemed like Cormier fought Anderson like it was a sparring match or something. He had to have been damn grateful for Anderson saving his payday which was likely the biggest he has seen. He certainly didn't fight with the fire he normally does. Ironically it reminded me of Cerrone's fight with Benson Henderson a few years back where it looked they were warming up.
The fight spent the sum total of about 2 minutes on the feet, and in those two minutes he got hurt with a liver kick… He didn't fight like he normally does because he was out of his depth in the stand-up, and had an easy route to victory through the TD's… He couldn't do anything on the ground because nobody ever has really done much damage to Anderson on the ground.
Wow, so much salt in this thread. Whether you agree with him or not, you must be dumb as shit to not know the context in which he used the word ':eek::eek::eek:'.
Anderson equally contributed to the lack of action. Neutralized DC on ground and hung on for survival. Don't blame Spider he was overpowered but takes two to tango and neither took much of a risk.
Are you in 10th grade? A lot of guys could beat him or me up. If you look up to Cerrone as a some ubermensch you should be embarrassed. He is as low brow as they come. He has no redeeming qualities.

jealousy detected
Thats why DC is champ and Cerrone never will be. I like Cerrone's grit and gusto but it's stupid to bang with one of the best strikers ever in UFC. Especially on 1 day notice and with much to lose. Cash that check and move on to next fight.

About the :eek::eek::eek: thing. whatever man. Cerrone is from a generation where :eek::eek::eek: meant bitch. take it easy SJW.
Cerrone is a clown.. He is just upset that his boy screwed the pooch again. DC has won more in his much shorter time in the UFC and will continue to win..
I call em like I see em.

You'll never ever see me disparaging guys I don't like, like Kennedy or Hendricks. Nothing but respect for them even though I'm not a fan.

"OMG so and so fighter I've never met is such a pussy and a racist and a blah blah blah"

You sound like a bitch boy talking like that. It's one thing to criticize. It's another to be a bitch boy.

That doesn't address what I said, which was about people claiming not to care about the subject of which the thread is about.

The thing that would have drawn you into this thread is "Cerrone and what he does", that's all that's promised. In fact the thread specifically alludes to that he's saying exactly the kind of thing that you now say you strongly dislike.
Ate a toe first body shot like this in one of my first kickboxing tournaments, shit literally made my whole body say "fuck this" and shut down for a second. They're brutal. More guys should lead with the ball of the foot on body kicks. Way more effective imo.

I wonder if it's one of those unwritten rules that everyone just follows because it feels dirty? Otherwise, like you said, this would be an extremely effective move.

I'm surprised Jon Jones never used it, along with the other two things he does.