Elections Hillary v. Trump Presidential Debate Three

Who won the third Presidential debate?

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Just like how he finished the second debate with a nice honest answer. No *doubt
Barack Obama has strong approval ratings. Running against him right now is not a good idea for Trump. That is exactly what Hillary wants.

Yes, admitted king of manlets, you more or less said that already. My point was that Hillary should be resented in the eyes of women as well.
1st debate - decisive Hillary victory
2nd debate - decisive Trump victory
3rd debate - Trump victory, but not as decisive as the last debate

The question is, is it enough of a bounce to get him back into the race? If the polls are correct, probably not. That's an if, though.
The British media was reporting that Brexit was going to lose by 11%. The day after the election, Brexit won by 2%. The polls have become political propaganda tools.
The man that was sued by the Justice Department for denying Black people a place to live is going to be their best choice for President??!?

Best debate so far.

I give trump props he did better but reverted to old form a ton.

Clinton spoke the best of all 3 debates, stayed calm but got her share of zingers this time.

Trump failed on elections.

Clinton wins this.
Look dude you write the same superficial argument over and over again. You won't even address any of the arguments I give you. You just follow up like a parrot with some bullshit talking point you projectile vomit onto the screen.

Why don't you actually address any of my points? That's not what happens when restructuring occurs? Prices don't fall? People don't get laid off? That's not a profit opportunity for new investors and entreprenuers? They don't take on new employees at lower labor and capital prices for production in new areas? The government can actually speed up that process? If so how?

When you decide to respond, how about you actually address the points? Can you say anything about that is wrong? Or are you going to just drop some bullshit anecdote that can't even address the counterfactuals?
yes, I can say a lot about what is wrong with your posting but I don't want to. Based on our prior conversations it's a total waste of time. I've learned that it is pointless to argue with people who refuse to listen to reason and evidence because of their ideology. This isn't our first rodeo. If we can't get past your dumb point that taxation is theft there's no point into digging into effects of stimulus.
I give it Hillz this one. Not that it matters. Powers to be have elected.
Who is this fucking goof talking about "stank" vs "stink" on ABC? These talking heads seem even more retarded than the candidates
This election is over.

I for one welcome our new First Gentleman Bill Clinton
I would say we should acknowledge that yes we broke Iraq, but at the same time we should acknowledge that we did the best we can in trying to rebuild Iraq and that throwing more American lives, money and resources after bad IS NOT a good idea anymore, especially when your host wants you to get the hell out.

Its one thing if Iraq's leadership was begging America to stay, its quite another when they want you to go.

But we didn't do our best. It was going to take a couple of decades at least to rebuild Iraq. We pulled out because it was unpopular to stay. The Iraqi govt was very corrupt so of course they didn't want us there. They got power and wanted to abuse it. ISIS threw a monkey wrench in those plans.

The America lives argument doesn't move me. Sorry, but we went in there. Americans had to die to do that. They were soldiers, they knew their lives were on the line. Plus, very very few Americans have died. If a few thousand soldiers' lives had to provide the mortar to build a decent future for tens of millions of innocent civilians, well...isn't that a good bargain?

But the pull out severely harmed if not outright reversed the progress made by all those dead soldiers.
His entire campaign was based on policy substance. We'll never forget you Bernie..

Ya know, I do not like his positions on many issues however, I will give him that. He actually gave a real arguments. Watching these debates hurt my stomach. Minus the Aleppo segment, I thought Donald did a solid job there.