Overwatch Official Discussion, v2: ELO Hell (hello darkness my old friend)

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Two games into gold and yeeah, I don't see how I can possibly get out of this. Seems it's all about getting lucky (or not getting unlucky) in your placements.
Gold elims, obj elims and of course healing with Lucio. With Lucio! The matchmaking seems completely borked, if you lost then you must be bad and get put with worse and worse people. The salt is flowing this morning boys
Gold elims, obj elims and of course healing with Lucio. With Lucio! The matchmaking seems completely borked, if you lost then you must be bad and get put with worse and worse people. The salt is flowing this morning boys
If you're regularly at the upper end of elims, maybe you'd be better off DPSing. At least then you'd have a better chance of carrying your way out.
Haven't played my placement matches yet and don't know if I will; my headphones are fucked (thanks Triton) and competitive mode doesn't appeal all that much to me anymore. Finished last season at 2507. Would probably feel differently if I could communicate and had friends who played this.

Back to Sombra though: I'm getting the hang of her and she's a lot of fun now. I've used her a lot lately in Arcade No Limits and am much more used to her gun now. I've also gotten into a good habit of hacking a nearby health kit, throwing my teleporter on it, and engaging the enemy. At first I'd do this and often overstay my welcome and my teleporter would be expired by the time I wanted to use it (and I'd die). I now have a better feel for the 15 second limit of it and pretty much always teleport back before it expires. Managing that teleporter is huge in being effective with her.
I've been saying it for some time but quick play is king.

Why join the ELO hell? quick play is just as much fun.
Started playing competitive and it's been going pretty good, however I just had a game where this one pleb insisted on picking Tracer on defence...
Finished my placement matches and ended up at 1540. Won 6, lost 2, drew 2. I don't mind the low score, I was expecting it. What really pisses me off are the number of leavers. 3 of my placement matches had people straight up quit before the end of the first round. I played one comp after getting placed and 2 people left as soon as the enemy team took the first spot. Blizzard really need to do something to stop people quitting out as soon as things don't go their way.
Finished my placement matches and ended up at 1540. Won 6, lost 2, drew 2. I don't mind the low score, I was expecting it. What really pisses me off are the number of leavers. 3 of my placement matches had people straight up quit before the end of the first round. I played one comp after getting placed and 2 people left as soon as the enemy team took the first spot. Blizzard really need to do something to stop people quitting out as soon as things don't go their way.

People leaving used to never be an issue for me but now it's nonstop. Played three comp games yesterday and people left in all of them. Getting to the point I don't even want to play anymore honestly. Which is fine I've put so many hours into this game I got my monies worth.

I wish they would add a mode where if you leave in the middle of the game your banned for a week. Have a separate sort of comp thing and everyone who joins agrees to be banned for that long if they leave.
I was actually going to put some effort in this season and try getting to high gold/diamond but I'll probably just stick with 3v3. That's a hell of a lot more enjoyable than comp is.
just finished my placement matches got 2400 elo - thought ok, cool. Next match I play another competitive rank game, my team sucked bad - but ok, I do my best, i even at one point switch to winston and use him fairly effectively. We end up losing and i lost 50 elo from this one game :/

Like people have said I might just stick with quick play - don't want to be neurotically worrying about my points or ranking every match. Not sure how the game determines your Elo but the rating system must have some inherent problems due to it being a 6v6 game. not crying tho, still enjoying the game
Like people have said I might just stick with quick play - don't want to be neurotically worrying about my points or ranking every match. Not sure how the game determines your Elo but the rating system must have some inherent problems due to it being a 6v6 game. not crying tho, still enjoying the game

Now that people can't pick the same character in QP it's actually not to bad. Plus when someone drops out they will be replaced instead of having to finish the game like that. They should give people the ability to join comp games like that except if you join mid game you don't lose an points if you lose but you gain them if you win so it's a win-win situation for the person.
Just hit platinum tonight!!! This is the first season of Competitive I started playing, pretty happy with ranking up.
Anyone have much success with Sombra? I like to try to find the usefulness of anything creators put in games, but I'm finding it difficult to see how she can be of much use. I used her a lot recently in Arcade modes and I've tried focusing on hacking priority health packs on defence or KOH maps, but rarely get many heals from it.

I've also tried focusing on hacking enemies, but because her gun is so unremarkable (and because she doesn't have any offensive special abilities) it doesn't seem to make much difference. Even hacking Roadhog does little because I still can't seem to put him down with a full clip of the gun. I play a lot of solo, so maybe the key with her is to work with others (yea yea, that's often the case in this game).

I suppose she can be useful in getting behind enemy lines and being a pest...well, one time on Anubis point B I was able to get behind the chokepoint and start capping the point, which led to us eventually taking the point.
They should get rid of her transport ability and replace it with another damage dealing one IMO. I really like her, but her damage seems low.

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I don't get Sombra. She poses zero threat to anyone except when they're almost dead anyway. At most she's just an irritant that can be swatted away or ignored, but maybe I just haven't met a good Sombra player yet. The hacking thing and the teleportation seemed like good ideas but they're worthless for the most part. Blizzard need to balance her properly
I don't get Sombra. She poses zero threat to anyone except when they're almost dead anyway. At most she's just an irritant that can be swatted away or ignored, but maybe I just haven't met a good Sombra player yet. The hacking thing and the teleportation seemed like good ideas but they're worthless for the most part. Blizzard need to balance her properly

On PTR I believe her hack range is increased and she can hack through shields.
Symmetra is definitely better. I think her shield should be a bit slower though. I used it to shut down a sniper earlier which was pretty cool.
I placed 2447 and then won a lot in a row to get to 26xx then for some reason started to lose A LOT. Dropped to like 23xx but now back to 24xx. Reaper is my main but I started trying out Soldier and damn he is so ez to use and now I might need to start using him more often as I think overall he might be more useful than Reaper now. Feel like a scrub using Soldier because I'm basically just shooting nonstop strafing back and forth and dropping heals behind Rein.
This new stay as a team is a great improvement. So useful and really helps with avoiding people leaving your game. The only issue is if you say stay as a team and only 4 people stay in the game if you do the same and everyone agrees only the other two players will get matched up. It should allow those players to join your team if everyone agreees.

Also yes Symmetra is insane now. On capturing the points and holding them she's is hard as fuck if they get the point first.
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